[quote]Able to write a succinct, highly detailed post without the use of thought to describe emotion Uses excellent grammar, spelling, diction, and varying sentence structure Proficient at both creating well-rounded characters and developing them over the course of a story Capable of critical/analytical thinking Makes use of a large vocabulary of genres, settings and plots to derive original role playing ideas from Friendly and cooperative Has read this thread and this thread thoroughly Does not enjoy/like: constant battling, sex/smut, lovey-dovey romance, TL:DR appearance descriptions, to play gods/supernatural beings, to use vernacular(text-talk, slang, jargon) in narration, or to apply plot armor to main characters Does enjoy/like: to create original content, the writing process, talking over convos, the suspense in waiting for a response, witty humor, satisfyingly logical and unpredictable actions, a well-structured story, or inquisitive and detail-oriented friends[/quote] So, yeah. I meet all of those, especially the "Does not enjoy/like" section. I like idea 4, but I have one of my own that may interest you. If no one has claimed a spot yet, I'm definitely interested.