Kylie quickly covered her head with her hands as her hair was ruffled, grinning as she smoothed her bangs down again. She'd actually managed to get her pigtails even that morning, but they were now slightly askew. The girl didn't seem to notice. As soon as her bangs were straight, she was satisfied. "I can probably do that. Cops are nice. My mum worked with cops a lot," Kylie answered. "She was a security guard." The slightest hint of sadness crossed her face for a moment, thinking about her parents. She missed them. Had missed them every day since they'd gotten sick. However, the sadness vanished after a second, as the young girl remembered that her sister was still out there somewhere. And now, she had someone to help her search. "I think I walked by the church yesterday. It's that way, right?" she asked, pointing in the opposite direction she'd walked from.