A year old child, was crying under the tree that Odyssia had chosen to climb up. He cried his eyes out as he had lost his parents only a few hours ago to a pack of wolves. He had escape purely by luck and he now just sat under that tree crying. He heard movement above him and he flinched and tried to crawl away but he froze up and simply said in a small child like voice "Please don't hurt me, I've got nothing that you would like" he said, his sadness being replaced by fear beyond all doubt of the creature that was in the tree. A young man with red hair who had been sleeping topless, groaned a little as Raven woke him up and he slowly open his eyes reviling the golden yellow that lied with in his eyes, at the same time his bonding mark was on his chest showing him and Raven had been together for a very long time. He yawned a little before he said "Oh great, another morning another dam cold I feel". He sneezed and then leaned back onto Raven warm side which feel him with a powerful warmth which got rid of his cold once more.