While Veronika was gushing over the finding and taking all the credits for it, Alexa closed her eyes again and started counting backwards from 10. With each words Veronika spoke, Alexa felt reminded of just why she used to avoid nobles and the likes. Granted, not all of them behaved in snobbish manner, but... it was common enough with most nobles that she figured it's easier to simply not tangling with them than trying to find one that's not grating her nerves. And here she was, stranded in the middle of nowhere, with a noble that, if the rumor was true, was the most spoiled, egoistical, snobbish girl in their year. 'Just my luck...' She thought sourly, watching the other girl complained about not taking the book the night before. As she opened the book, Alexa peered at the content curiously. Hey, if she had to be the one to take it off the corpse, at the very least she deserved to know what it was about, right? The writing style looked old. It's written in English at least, thank God for small miracles, but the way the characters was written, it seemed older than middle age style. Alexa blinked in surprise when the book suddenly snapped shut, and immediately dropped her face to her hand upon hearing Veronika chattered on about finding cafe or restaurant. Really, girl, seriously? Accepting the unexpected offer of the book, Alexa watched Veronika warily. Did she forget where they were at the moment? "Ah... and how do you propose you do that? In case you've forgotten, we're currently in the middle of nowhere." She reminded the noble.