Odyssia looked down at the poor male under her, he wad so young and he wouldn't live on his own. The baby dragon climbed down the tree and at down, she was the size of a bunny looking at he male [I]Not to fear young one I am not here to harm you, why are you al alone?[/I] She asked tilting her small black head to the side. Her neat silk black wings folded up on her side. She sniffed the air, smelling wolves. Raven blinked her pure green eyes looking at the male and smirks slightly [I]Samuel I sware you get lazier every morning[/I] She teased in good nature and yawned her large jaws off her white teeth glisening in the sunlight of dawn. She slowly stood up and streached herself out in the large meadow she was in, they had to she was a massive dragon.