[quote=Kadaeux] Because, an animal, unlike a person, cannot seek help. If they're injured take them to a vet unless they're obviously going to die then put them out of their misery. A human being, unlike an animal with that critical little "language barrier" issue, can seek help.[/quote] I find these sort of statements annoying. Humans are animals. We are simply more intelligent. Animals do seek help from their species and humans alike. An injured animal is smart enough, usually, to go to an area where there might be help, its the human that chooses to ignore them. If an animal is not going to survive an injury, such as bloat or fatal injury like a gun shot, yes, euthanize them. Those are extremely painful and no creature deserves that. It might have been the same way in earlier times, but not now. The only time one human consciously has control of another humans life is 1. during surgery and 2. when someone is in a "vegetable" like state they may never come out of. Language barrier? No animal communicates only with their voice. There is no word for word translation from dog to human, but we get the jist of what they mean. They understand our words, why can't we understand them? They can seek help if they choose. We have to listen. Sorry to go off topic. Now to the topic. I find myself agreeing with Mammon.