[center][img] http://oi60.tinypic.com/14do610.jpg[/img][/center] Emery couldn’t help the fact that his smiled widened a little bit when the youngling Lailaa said to give thanks to the might Dragon. It was rather amusing to be told to give thanks to himself. If only he was as reckless as he wished he could be, it would be so fun to play with the youngling and see her reaction when she realized it was the dragon that she was talking to. [b]“Indeed I shall.”[/b] He answered the young sister almost cheerfully, before passing her and joining the large group crowded gathered around his priestess as she sweetly sang her song. It was actually nice to see the girl dance around and perform, last year he hadn’t even watched the ceremonies last year. However it was always through the priestesses’ eyes and thus more dizzying, as well of just the people and grass when they bowed. Ella’s voice was much softer and calming though then the voice of Margaret, and he actually found himself almost sad that it had come to an end. [i]“That was lovely Ella.”[/i] He softly spoke telepathically to her as Margaret pulled her away from the people, and he followed them all to line up with the other humans. Though it severed more of a purpose than just that of a compliment, it was also to let her know that this year he was actually listening. While in line waiting he studied the people around him, one thing was really clear, as much as he tried to watch on humans carried themselves; he clearly looked like the odd one among them. While the people around him almost seemed to walk around lazily, Emery’s body was on complete alert, eyes watching every movement around him. Though maybe it was his realizing this, which caused him to be on such high alert. Instead he let himself relax as he looked around him at the women from whom he could choose; still it seemed none of them could catch his eye. Instead of seeing the good that they could offer, he only saw the faults of them. This woman was too short or too tall. Too large or too thin. Not pretty enough, too pretty, had a husband, or had a few children with her. He was almost half way through the woman around him before he heard one of the women he said was too short was giving their confession, that the link between him and Ella was still open and she could have heard him judging the humans around him. It wasn’t that he was as cruel as he likely sounded; he was just extremely picky about the woman who was going to be his mate. Finally he came into the room which his priestess waited and talked to his humans. He gave the woman a soft smile, before bowing lowly to her, even though some humans didn’t bow anymore. It was a sign of respect still to dragons. He sat down on the pillow when she told him to. [b]“I am unaware of how this works, I have no confession to give the dragon. May I ask questions instead?”[/b] He asked the priestess playing dumb outsider, as he wondered if she was as so foolish to believe she was above her people as her mother. [b]“What do you do as the priestess exactly?”[/b]