When the hell rang Alhena helped the teacher to clean up, and sweep the floors. Just doing minor things to try helping the teachers around school. She often made her rounds visiting all her teachers she'd had in the school doing the small favors, from making copies to helping devide graded papers into the proper period folders. When she was done she walked home having missed the busses, the walk home was a long way. But, Alhena didn't seem to mind at all in fact she hummed a Kerry tune as she skipped. Though stopped hearing a sharp chirp coming from some trees to her right. Without hesitation she walked towards it discovering a baby bird having fallen out of the nest. She set her book bag down, and picked the chick up before making her way up the tree it'd fallen from. Soon finding the nest she put the baby in it smiling as she twilled a happy note before cooking back down. She quickly waved good bye before making her way home again. Though of course disinfected her hands with the keychain she had of it. Not wishing to get sick from Salmanilla.