"Well yes, but won't be just find a city sooner or later if we go in on direction?" She smiled at the ingenious idea, flicking hair behind her back again. "I need water, soap, restroom and my morning manicure too. But I think I'll handle a broken nail for now." She said, looking pitifully at her now slightly messy nails, a state that she couldn't recall them being in ever since. With a heavy sigh that indicated with HOW TERRIBLY she had to suffer and how great the sacrifice of her nails was, Veronika took a moment to bow her head, appearing deeply depressed for a short while. She took a deep breath to clam and focus herself. Yes, she didn't like the lack of... everything around them, but if she had to suffer behaving like a homeless person, it was better to suffer through fast instead of lingering in this situation any longer than she had to. The young lass stretched and looked around for any hint of where they could go next. What she could see from her position was only a wide grassy landscape, with not a single landmark to guide them. There were a lot of broken walls around though, so maybe she could... No, daddy wouldn't want his precious flower to climb walls like a little kid. Even when she was a little kid, Veronika, as the noble heir, was never permited to do such a thing. But here, out in nowhere, there were no signs of her daddy and as much as she missed having everything at her disposal, it felt nice to be able to make a few decision on her own for once. With those thought in mind, she approached a nearby cluster of rubble, carefully stepping up on it. It was her good luck that she wore her ankle shoes with no signs of heels. As much as they failed to enhance her grace end height, their flat bottom came handy in situations like this. Not being used to anything of the kind, Veronika looked dangerously wobbly at first, but she managed to climb of the half-collapsed wall. It wasn't high and any normal human being would make it look simple, but for her it was something thrillingly new. "Look Alexa! I climbed a wall! Now I can see further!" She cheered, looking genuinely happy for doing so. The morning sun was slowly lifting the light mist that glazed over the grasslands. In the distance, a tall pilar could be seen, sticking out of the mundane flat fields of grass that surrounded the two. "I see something! it looks like a pillar, like... one of those high monuments you see in city centres. I say we check that out right away! It's the only sign of civilization I can see for miles!"