[quote=Mammon]You seem to be ignoring half of what I address in my post. When I say it is ethically acceptable to commit suicide, I explicitly mention that this is only after every other option has been exhausted. This "language barrier" is a particularly interesting point, because usually people who commit suicide want to die; executing the deaf, blind, and mentally handicapped is not the same as what I am discussing, because many do not wish to die and have a high quality of life. In fact, I would venture to say I have not met someone with Down's Syndrome who was unhappy. What you're suggesting is actually a logical fallacy called "slippery slope."[/quote] No. There is no logical fallacy involved. As you can see from your own statement. [quote=Mammon]Sometimes when an animal is severely injured, senile, or otherwise abnormal, people kill them to put them out of their misery. It's a perfectly acceptable act and minimizes the suffering of the animal.[/quote] The deaf, blind and mentally handicapped are, like it or not, abnormal. To declare it is ok to kill an animal for an abnormality and not a person, simply because the person can say "but I don't want to die" is the hypocritical approach. Additionally you explicitly mention "after every other option has been exhausted" I would venture to say that less than a single percent of a single percent of people who commit suicide have exhausted even SOME of the options let alone all of them. [quote=Mammon]I think that people who commit suicide are not simply curious about what it is like to die. When I say it is the ultimate exertion of will, I do mean it; those who are legitimately suicidal because of trauma or mental illness experience a huge loss of control. Sometimes, even after therapy, medication and patience, the only way to regain control of their lives is through suicide.[/quote] You do mean it. And you're absolutely wrong. There is no "ultimate exertion of will" to die. It is VERY EASY, people yak on about how they're overcoming the instinct to survive at all costs, an instinct that every single one of us ignores daily. You don't "regain control of your life through suicide" you demonstrate your utter fear of living, a fear of living more profound than fear of death. There is no such thing as "legitimately suicidal" while one can have reasons I consider "acceptable" the act of suicide is still an unacceptable one. [quote=Mammon]Again, this goes back to what I said about it being acceptable only after every other attempt at righting themselves has been made. Even if we are talking about these "selfish individuals", I think that what Jorick had to say is still very applicable. In case you haven't read it, here it is:[/quote] And as I said before, I doubt even a percent of a percent of suicides even ATTEMPT to make all efforts to right themselves. They declare life too hard, chicken out and dodge the next train off the mortal coil. (Sometimes literally, and seriously, suicide by train is perhaps the dickiest way to go and if fucked up leaves you off a lot worse.) [quote=Mammon]I agree with you that suicide is often not logical; many people who commit suicide are not in a rational state of mind. However, I don't think that belittling someone's problems is a good thing to do in any way, and saying that some people have a justifiable reason over other people to commit suicide is extremely short-sighted. I would venture to say that a vast majority of people who consider, attempt or commit suicide are suffering from a mental illness, such as depression, bipolar disorder, or something similar. I think your summary is a gross oversimplification of the issue at hand and shows an extreme lack of empathy and understanding.. [/quote] And that is just demonstrating your own lack of understanding, i'm turning thirty this year, i've lived with depression since I was about fourteen, i've had suicidal thoughts and shovelled them back in the back as the ultimate act of cowardice. As being "short sighted" Person A: Had three kids. They die in a car accident. Kills self. Person B: "OH NOES THEYZE PIKKING ON ME!" Kills self. There is no parallel. It's not belittling someone, it is recognising that person B has no valid reason IN ANY POSSIBLE WAY for suicide. Even with mental illness added on top, something I am INTIMATELY familiar with, the fact person b considered that reason enough to terminate their life isn't an ultimate act of will. It's the ultimate act of weakness. [quote=Mammon]I completely disagree. The circumstances which lead to someone committing suicide are usually not the victim's fault; as you mentioned previously, you can't possibly justify saying the victim of child molestation or rape is in any way at fault for that happening to them. It's also beyond their control that they suffer from a mental illness. Sometimes, there's simply no way of fixing their circumstance, and death is their only freedom from pain.[/quote] Sometimes. Yes. But in the VAST majority of cases no. In the vast majority of cases no attempt is made to fix their circumstances.