8:21pm, Ventium, Royal Palace. Voltus walked down the the long hallway to the foyer, the sound of his shoes stepping on the ornate, marble floor reverberating through the corridors of the palace complex echoing off the mosaic ceilings, resonating through the crystal chandeliers. It was night of the anniversary of Ventiums founding and voltus was dressed for the occasion, leaving his leather trenchcoat for his formal Black suit, with a blue shirt underneath, his medals of war gleaming on jacket, like pearls. The guests were already starting to pour in and a wave of chatter ensued, ranging from the war, to fabulous dresses, to the appearence of Jarmin Jalson as entertainment for the evening. He went around greeting all the guests, hand shakes and compliments. Voltus decided to leave the frey of people into the courtyard where the festivities would be held, people where setting speakers and tables and chairs, blue bunting was being strung up between roof top to roof top and at the centre of it all, Jarmin. Her black hair flowing in locks about her, the blue dress draped over her white delicate figure. He approached her each step bringing him closer to the stage but then a loud squeak. The whole courtyard stopped, Voltus stood still, his pale skin turning infinitely paler out of embarrassment, he reached down and adjusted the kneebrace he wore on the inside of his trousers, everyone continued to stare at him. "it's an injury from war, the doctor says it will never heal." he gave a small bow to Jarmin and turned around and walked controlled down the path back towards the foyer.