"Like I got shot but a fragging crossbow bolt...," Khaylan growled, glaring at the book as though he could will it into combusting. When it didn't he grunted in annoyance, making a note to enquire how long the village had been hiding a witch. Khaylan shifted uncomfortably, suddenly feeling like the healer was scrutinizing him down to his very soul. He forced himself to calm down, focusing his mind elsewhere and trying to see if he could feel anything like what Miranda had described. He frowned slightly feeling a prickling sensation run up and down his neck. "I feel... I don't know... watched," he said, his eyes snapping open, "though that isnt exactly abnormal for me..." The healer did not look satisfied by his answer, and so Khaylan attempted to press deeper, lowering his instinctive defenses against anything that could cloud his mind. Only then did he begin to feel it. A presence, like someone looking over his shoulder, pressed so close it was almost suffocating when he realised it. He felt like part of his soul was dragged out behind him, leaving a long line out to... where? "I feel like there's someone else here," Khaylan said, struggling to find the appropriate words, "someone only I can sense, who's got ahold of part of my soul and the rest of me is just wandering about, stretching it out."