Alexa stared at Veronika in disbelief at her 'genius' idea. Is this girl for real? When she started to list what she needed for her morning ritual, Alexa gripped the book tightly and growled softly, closing her eyes again, she fantasized whacking Veronika over her head with the tome. Maybe if she hit her hard enough, the spoiled girl could grow some common sense... or at least back in touch with reality... THIS reality, not the one she probably daydreamed on in her mind where everything is all flowers and good. Hearing her name being called again, Alexa opened her eyes and turned around, preparing to snap at the infuriating girl. Her sharp response died on her lips, however, and immediately replaced with panic when she saw Veronika climbed on top of a half collapsed wall that looked dangerously unstable. "He-Hey!! Careful there! Careful!!" She exclaimed, hastily coming over while praying that the younger girl wouldn't fall off the wall. A pillar? Well, they don't really have any other clue for direction, so that's as good as any for the moment. "Alright, alright. We'll check it out soon. Just... get down here, OK? Slowly, Veronika." Alexa told her worriedly, her previous annoyance was forgotten as she tried to get Veronika to get down from the wall safely. They're nowhere near civilization, as far as she could tell, and it could be a BIG problem if either of them got hurt. Like it or not, Veronika is the only friend she has in this strange world, and the thought of having to go alone should anything happened to the other girl, chilled her to the bone.