Aaaand i do not really see the difference with your other character besides another picture and the lack of the over powered soul bombs.... >_> Well i imagine him like Deadpool....not as awesome thou because if i would say that he is more awesome Deadpool would jump out of a comic i posses and kill me buuut anyways.... Well regenerative ability and portal using is not that much OP and well since he hasn´t stated otherwise i think he´s just human standard, normal strength like lifting 200pounds or maybe somewhat more.And so with such an factor which allows enemys to shot him into shreds anytime they want and he will not likely shrug that off~ here i do wonder.... what happens to objects INSIDE your body. Will they be pushed outwards while regenerating or will they remain inside, also do you "regenerate" broken bones etc? or just the flesh? Because a bone fracture is nice and stuff but if your flesh would most like be fully healed before ou could re-locate your´s more ouchy than before~ And does his healing factor comes from the nanites or from a born ability? @Wonder: Huh? Well my char is only human! Imagine aguy threating you with a would incinerate the weapon and the guy with a single though or move of your hands and i...i will stand there explaining him why it is a bad idea to do so and so boring him to death but before he finally passes away he will still slug my brain....and wooosh i am dead...