[quote=MatthiasAngel] Will you be deciding the outcomes of encounters? Let's assume you grant me the Limited Invisibility power. I approach an open door, peek out and see an armed guard. I become invisible and slowly make my way across the room, heading for a nearby passage. Who determines if the guard catches me? [/quote] There are some options. My idea was that as this is a story based roleplay I was hoping we could just go by what makes the most sense plot wise. As you have this ability, it makes sense to use it in such a situation and it is a certainly smart way of using the Supers. I like that you're limiting your powers in a smart way too, so of course, I would be happy to let you have that power. Either we could go by what makes the best story, and just write collaboratively, or we could go by dice-roll. I'm sure there are plenty of dice-roll websites out there that would automate the process for you (or, failing that, get your own dice), and we could use that to decide the outcome. I'm more in preference on writing a decent story with the focus on smart and consistent usage of the character's abilities, so it is not particularly important to me how the outcome is decided. Of course, to make things more interesting, occasionally I could 'over-ride' the success for what would make the more thrilling path, like you would suddenly lose your ability to camo just as the guard is about to turn around giving you a few seconds to react in the best way you can, but primarily the idea is to write a story, not play a game.