Dronas took a minute to think about his options. Clearing a fifteen thousand credit debt was very generous however he didn't then want to be in debt to another crime lord. On the other hand was it really an offer he could refuse, cleared debts and the prospect of more work. With all of that maybe he could settle down like Drea had said. She had seemed pretty keen. He'd always seen himself as a head of security in a cantina for his later years. Stepping from behind Drea he offered the man a hand. "Dronas Khal reporting for duty. I'm happy to escort Braedug here to wherever his package takes him. Lemme' just make this clear though. This one job and the price on my head is gone? Because if thats the deal then I sure as hell will be coming back for work here after." Dronas also patted Braedug on the shoulder. "Dont worry friend, I wont go jamming any more pistols into you, promise."