"no need to stutter" he replied with a ghost of a smile "I'm not going to be king for a very long time", he continued to walk down the path, the singer by his side. "I never did get the chance to thank you for performing at my birthday last month" he beckoned her forward, into a hallway adjacent to the foyer. Voltus slipped his hand into his suit and pulled out a velvet box. Opening it Jarmin gasped, a necklace gleamed in the light of the electric chandeliers, a string of diamonds culminating in a deep blue sapphire, embeded in a silver pendant. "a pre-war piece" he said looking at it fondly "I found it in a ruin during the northern campaign and it's all yours now." he took it from it's box and stepped behind her draping it around her neck, softly working his hands on the closing mechanism.