Since We will focus on the star wars wiki for history , tech and such on. Since Credits is the universal currency. I have been inspecting the Brema Sector and Seswenna sector. I had actualy not noticed but Seswenna is an hub point of a lot of trade routes. And Money is needed especialy in this era of war. I am asking what is the Time progression? (For some reason I realy like making it more realsitic) I would gather Taxes from Every Trade route running through each sector I control. In my Idea as an probaply represive New order structured Realm. My planets income would probaply mostly go to keeping the order and training and maintaing troops. Mayby The Capital would give of some extra credits." For war 3 things are needed Money , money and most of all money" "Warlord Zsinj consolidated the economy of his empire. Rather than most warlods capteruing huge Swats of ravanged provinces. This allowed Zsinj to remain small enfouhg to keep out of the New republics sight" Star wars wiki quote