When I wrote about sponsors I meant like for example we have 12 tributes so 12*3=36. Each picks 3 random numbers from 1-36, no repeated numbers. So when the sponsor move comes you roll the same random.org generator but not from 1-12 like it is for deaths but from 1-36 and the one whose number is generated gets the gift. Talking about having to return to middle, in that case the winner should receive OOC PM cuz otherwise it sounds and by idea will be the same as the feast... And the Token thing is not the sponsors gift it like a talisman, you know, lucky charm object... [b]Here is my character:[/b] [center][b]Name:[/b] Nash [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Family:[/b] Orphan [b]District:[/b] [img]http://592f46.medialib.glogster.com/media/c8b5d08df39723e628636dd6e6fe45a6ace58b00ce5944c8287316634d2c9797/the-hunger-games-2012-movie-district-posters-7.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://oi59.tinypic.com/1o66o1.jpg[/img] [b]Strength:[/b] Great huntsman, tracker and overall survivor in the wilderness. [b]Weakness:[/b] Almost fully deaf with left ear and half deaf with right ear, can't detect the directions where the sound comes from. [b]Weapon of choice:[/b] Axe and spear [b]Bio/Background:[/b] There was a rumour that a noble family's wife from The Capitol had an affair with one of the Hunger Games tribute and got pregnant. After the baby was born the husband, to not bring shame on his name, decided to send the baby away to the District 7 where the baby's uncle was living as the tribute that the wife had affair with died in the games. Others were gossiping that the baby was found in a cave in the woods and was left there because he had demons in him. Truth be told no one actually knew where Nash came from but one thing was clear - he was orphan and he grew up in the small forest shack of a lonely lumberjack who became his father, real or not. He was given a name Nash that means Ash Tree as his father believed that Ash Tree has a power to kill supernatural. Unfortunately at age of 8 Nash again became an orphan as his father died in an accident when a falling tree fell right on him. His old man already was a loner and people from District 7 were talking a lot of things about him, like people used to talk about witches. Some said that he's a werewolf and that's the reason he lives alone, deep in the forest. Some said that he's a vampire that drinks only animal blood, so after he died no one wanted to take Nash and raise him. Nash was all alone at age of 8, in a small shack, deep in the woods, left to die. The beginning was awfully hard and it felt almost like it would be easier to die here and now but it started to get better as his skills for hunting, weapon mastery and survival skills started to grow. By age of 10 Nash was already able to single-handedly chop down big trees in. Hunting had became an easy task, tracking was almost the same as to breath. His body was much more developed at age of 12 than for some at age of 18. The age of 12, that was the year when Nash was old enough to be added to the reaping ceremony but that's not what happened. As no one knew where Nash came from and based on the fact that he was living with his father deep in the woods, no one mentioned him to the authorities. So when his father died and he was left alone in the woods, everyone totally forgot about him and therefore no one added his name for the reaping as he was like a ghost in the District 7. But that was the first year when Nash heard about Hunger Games and went to secretly observe the reaping ceremony. A boy and a girl was chosen and as always everyone was sad about this event but not Nash, no, he saw an opportunity to bring his and his fathers name in the light, to make his father proud of him, so he began an intense training, even it was against the rules of the games to do that. Two years later, the 66th Hunger Games, the reaping ceremony, the girls name has just been announced and it's time for the boy to be picked. The card is picked and already unfolded and the name is announced "Joshua Rondale" when right after the name is called Nash walks from the crowd and shouts "I volunteer as a tribute for District 7!". The whole crowed just stared at him like they would see a ghost and it wasn't far from truth as for the last 6 years he had no contact with anyone but the forest. That was also the year when he became a victor of Hunger Games. [b]Token:[/b] A silver ring with a weave in the middle that represents the never ending forests. [img]http://www.custom-celtic.com/images/simplebraid-sm.jpg[/img] [b]The year won:[/b] 66th Hunger Games [/center]