[U]Rinkei & Minasa & ????[/U] The fight had concluded but that didn't stop the captain from finishing up his work. Rinkei's attention was so focused on writing something in the notebook that he lost track of time. "Finally finished with that annoying paper. Since I'm done, I guess it's about time to head back and get something to eat. Hmmm...bread-sticks and coffee or take out with coffee? Coffee sounds like a plan but I want more than just bread-sticks this time around. Plus, I have the time to get my take-out personally without questioning whether someone poisoned it or not." He thought, shunpoing away from his current location. The lieutenant was sitting down relaxing in the captain's office, daydreaming about something before she heard someone knocking on the door. She walked over to the door see who it was, opening it while slowly unsheathing her Zanpakuto. "Oh, it's the new recruit." Minasa's face was a little surprised that the girl was up and moving ahead of schedule. "Well the Captain's not here but I can take a message for him when he gets back if you'd like." She said with a small smile on her face, while sheathing her blade. Muffled sounds could barely be heard coming from inside the office. It almost sounded as if someone was attempting to scream for help but that was unlikely, or was it?