[hider=Click here please][img]http://i.imgur.com/ktDjGFj.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Sanaa Mensah [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Position:[/b] Civilian [b]Bio:[/b] Sanaa was born in a middle-class family in America, she grew up rather normally as any other child would. In her high school years she was rather confident in her skills in sewing, which was a small hobby of hers. On her Senior year, Sanaa got into a internship program at a school of Art which included a fashion design major. At the age of 23 Sanaa began to take on the career of being a fashion designer. Her clothes never managed to reach the runway, but she did sell them on online shops, which did pay her apartment bills, but barely got her enough money to get luxury items. Blah blah blah, then the virus comes out [b]Personality:[/b] Sanaa likes organization and preciseness - a perfectionist about mostly everything. She's very uptight and gets flustered when things don't go according to plan. She usually sticks the blame on other people if things aren't in her favor. She's usually bored, easily annoyed, somewhat angry, and pretty much hateable. Furthermore, she has no sense of humor and takes everything personally and seriously. Sanaa will not trust anyone easily (if she can trust at all). She's usually direct and upfront (and expects others to be the same). Since Sanaa has lived in a very rushed environment she has a tendency to do things quickly and will exclude others if they're too slow for her work pace. [b]Other:[/b] She runs pretty fast[/hider]