Ryan sat in his office, finishing up his report on generally what had happened as he glanced at some of the information reports he had been getting. He stopped as he saw something that seemed slightly unusual to him. He frowned as he looked over the report. He put down his writing utensil, leaving the last bit of the report for now as he looked over the explanation of a couple petty thefts in the rukongai recently. At first glance it had seemed normal, but looking at it more, he noticed something quite odd about it, and another report he had read shortly before. He retrieved the other one, looking between them. "Same description... Two completely separate sections of the rukongai..." He looked through both of the reports, finding where it said each disturbance was. "Thirty-second, and sixtieth..." He read through a bit farther before noticing that both of them mentioned an odd spiritual energy coming from the boy. "Like that of a low-ranking soul reaper, fully trained, but slightly off..." He frowned as he looked at it. He stood up, going to the nearest member of squad three he could find. "Go find Hikari for me, I need him to investigate something... Get Chie as well, and Miyume if you can. I might need them for this as well..." With that, the messenger went in search of Hikari. Ryan returned to his office, finishing up the report before reading over both of the reports again. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Julia yawned slightly as she sat in the squad 2 barracks, bored nearly to death, in her mind. She stood up, looking around, as she had been sitting in the main room. She didn't see anything in particular, but that was okay, she wanted to do something fun, rather than important right now anyway. She smirked as she began to sneak off, heading towards a nearby squad that wasn't her own, considering she could get in trouble from anything she did at her own squad. She moved towards a random squad's barracks, phasing through the walls and searching around for the squad's female showers. She didn't realize she was in squad six's barracks, but she did know she was searching for a good view of the girls there.