[img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [b]Tagress Hospital: Corridor[/b] Oh shit. Oooooh shit. While Moira did not at least outwardly express any fear at all, her expression becoming mildly indignant if anything, her pupils restricted to pinpricks. His stare, especially this close, made her feel really uncomfortable. She could feel her heart pumping adrenaline through her body already, ready for a fight or flight response. Syed pushed himself up and off the dogpile as quickly as he could, which wasn't really all that fast at all. And acompanied by lots of groaning. Forget Moira killing them with her stupid wheelchair thing, although she nearly managed that already. No, at this rate Tiberius was going to kill them! He didn't try and defend himself, to say that he was never a willing party in Moira's idea of fun. Instead, he backed himself as much as he could towards the stairs again, very eager to get back to his bed. He wanted to go back there anyway, and the added threatening tone of Tiberius' voice just sweetened the deal really. "Sorry..." he breathed softly, not daring to make many sudden noises or movements. "Sorry... yeah... let's go back..." Hugging his chest, he bowed his head quickly towards Tiberius. That was about as much as he could manage all things considered. He then shifted his concentration towards someone shouting about shots further down the corridor. Wait, was that...? Moira pushed herself up next. Ooh, now she was really sore. Clutching onto her shoulder once more, she caught sight of the wheelchair laid on it's side a small distance away, it's wheel still spinning. She narrowed her eyes and averted them from the others, before mumbling something indistinct. Surely nothing about how she was an adult and therefore far too old to be sent to bed. Nope. Definately not. Although it might have helped her if she acted like one before she got into this mess. Still, she decided she'd best do as he says anyway. She didn't fancy kissing her own arse today. Just before she finally pushed herself completely clear, cause geez she was sure taking her time, Dylan was... dragged past. What the hell?! "Help me!" he called desperately, squirming in the grip of a particularly formidable looking nurse. Syed found himself relating to this a [i]lot[/i]. Still, he put on his best calming smile. "Needles aren't too bad, Dylan," he said gently. After all, a nurse wouldn't try and give an unnessessary shot, right? "It helps if you look away." Moira wooped. "Yeah, don't be a wuss!" Poor Dylan.