[b] [u] Alaira Taenn [/u] [/b] [I]Well, that went well. Really.[/i] Alaira thought as the Coco left. The poor thing was actually pretty nice, if a bit naive. Of course, she'd have to make sure the girl was properly equipped to defend herself when the time for training came. Nevertheless, it was time to get back to... what was she doing? Whatever, it's not like there's anything important to do today anyway. Or was there? Cursed train of thought! Why must you leave me?! Anyway, she decided to wander around, like she normally did. Rounding the corner, she was greeted by an odd sight. Another person! And she was at eye-level(An unusual occurence) with... him. He was some sorta Eysire, though he looked strangely familiar... Anyway, as she was about to run into this guy, she quickly jumped back a little bit, mostly because she was startled by his sudden appearance. [b]"AH!"[/b] She shouted in surprise as she readied her weapon, but quickly put it away when she realized the Eysire was no threat. [b]"Gods... how the hell does something that big not make any noise?"[/b] She asked herself as she caught her breath. Or maybe she was just lost in thought as she usually was.