"Good, Molech will be pleased to hear." The Devaronian looked back at the Dianoga aquarium. "I will clear your debts with the Hutts, but you work for Molech now and one thing about this business is [i]no questions asked[/i]. Do your jobs and you'll be paid screw up and you'll find out what its like being feed to my pet," Mr. Tin nodded to the Dianoga. Mr. Tin snapped his fingers and Drea handed each of the rouges a comlink. "I will inform Molech you have accepted his offer, he will be pleased. Your debts to the Hutts will be satisfied. Come back tomorrow, and I will have further instructions. Now go. Oh, and one more thing Mr. Kramm, here you go," he said tossing him a 3,000 credit chip.