[u]Lidda[/u] The Vitamancy teacher laughed at Aruna’s reaction, not bothering to hold it in to be polite as she knew how frustrating it was to sit and heal. Likely she didn’t have to do that anymore after being a Vitamancer, her body already able to heal bones, skin, and more back to perfection. Her cleaved feet hung over the bed edge, dangled there and swing out of habit, while her dark eyes watched the young Half Breed pout within the confines of her bed. For a moment longer she sat there, until finally Aruna spoke to her. Lidda’s expression told the student she only half believed her about the learning bit. She stood up and placed the clothes, the gift, upon the bedside table where Aruna could look them over when she was ready. Then she shifted her hips to cock, her hands pressed upon them in a sassy stance then soft spoke. “Unless you’re a Vitamancer, it’s unlikely there’s a way. You’ll just have to let it heal naturally though my tip: don’t fight Sam if you want to speed it up.” She leaned closer and looked Aruna dead in the eyes, her voice full of earnest intentions. “Are you sure it’s because you want to learn about your mageblood or to find the one who ‘left’ the rake out?” Lidda waited a moment or two, letting Aruna absorb the words then lifted upright. She continued without much delay, a faint hope to ease Aruna’s defensive and likely suspicious nature that the student had instinctively displayed at the Opening Feast. “I won’t worry about it. I have a feeling I know who could’ve left it out and I’m positive he didn’t mean you any harm by it. We’ve gotten some new staff and guards lately to rotate the old out so they aren’t exactly familiar to the College’s...unique sights or current rules. We’ve staff leave out stuff as well as a few guards misfire on students. It’s rare but possible since sometimes Esyires or other students from mixed heritage are thought to be wild creatures who threaten the College and. I doubt the current Psychomancy demonstration helped with that either.” Her hand rubbed the back of her head, seemed to hate the next task she would likely have to look into, until Sam interrupted her. The old man touched her shoulder and smiled when her eyes whipped into his direction. He hated getting in the middle of conversations so she knew this had to be important when she listened to him speak. “Lidda, could you for a moment take a look at the patient before you return to classes.” “Sure. Why didn’t you just a Rune do it?” She asked, slightly surprised. “I don’t know, one of the examination Runes seem to be a little uncooperative today. I might have to have Val look it over and see what she can do about since it’s been a while when I’ve had her check them last.” Samuel admitted guiltily, noting his neglect in keeping his equipment in working order. “So far all I’ve found are few birth defects which should’ve made it harder than usual for him to breath and function, though they seem to have little affect on him. He could’ve gotten used to it and adapted since birth which we’ve had a few cases pop up like that with students. His heart on the opposite side of his chest, yet nothing I’m too concerned about. I do want you to use your Vitamancy to determine if there’s unseen concerns.” Lidda nodded and made her way over to Grey, her eyes studied the man for a moment but her words were spoken to Sam. “I’ll see what I can do but keep in mind I hit Blood Sickness last night so it won’t be the best.” Gently she held out her hand and touched the man’s hand. She held it in hers while she focused on her mageblood, her eyes closed. Where her skin made contact with Grey’s, he would feel a faint tingle, not quite as strong as Aruna’s, dance on his surface then inch its way throughout his body. Lidda’s mind took stock of what her magic was able to yet it was weaker reading then she was expecting. Her face furrowed in confusion but casted it away, figured her magic was weaker then she first thought. “Well, I don’t sense anything immediate or life threatening. Then again, I’m not at my tip top shape. Think it would be possible to do a follow up checkup later on? I’ve got many students to teach the basics so I likely won’t be free until say… winter?” Lidda chuckled, her attempt at a light joke despite her mind’s worry. “I’ll talk to Lucilia, I’m pretty sure she rather you not over whelm yourself.” He turned to Grey then with a final statement. “I think, for now, that’s enough with the medical examine. There will be a followed up around winter which I’ll have a Golem notify you about. It’s routine with most College staff.”