We’ve all seen Naruto-rps come and go, most of them doesn’t last very long and some doesn’t even make it to the IC. So I suggest a new take on this fandom. On the old guild I was briefly involved in a game where I and another player swapped the original cast out for our OCs and played from there. We created our whole team, decided which village we should belong to and played through a part of the original storyline. We made it as far as the forest of death before my friend suddenly disappeared and now that thread is gone. I would like to give this thing a second chance and is therefore looking for two serious players that are willing to create a world of ninjas to populate whatever village we decide on and see what would happen if the main cast of the series were not an idiot, an emo and a crybaby. I'm putting this in advanced both because I'm looking for players who can put out good posts consistently and are satisfied with a posting frequency of 1/week or less. There will be tons of planning and OOC-stuff to do, so the game won't stand still just because the IC haven't gotten a new post in a couple of days. I'm also thinking about some new rules for powerplay and how chakra will work. More on that later. Anyone interested?