[quote=HylianRose] Yes. You all have permission to move Rose. It's the least I can do for how infrequently I'm on, which I apologize for again. I get here when I can. One of my RPs have kind of dropped so unless that picks up again, I should be able to keep up with this one a bit better. I'll have a weekend free of most homework so I should be here provided my friends don't pull me away. What sucks is that when I do have the time to RP, no one's on when I am. Like, when I have a breaks. I have a break and am completely free to RP and ALL of my RPs slow down. So yeah. I just kind of have to suck it up and deal with it. Which, I will. I'll see if I can read and catch up and make a post.I'm also experiencing a bit of a rut again, call me predictable, but I'll get out. Even if it is crap. I don't want anyone to be stuck because of me and my inabilities. :\ [/quote] People don't have to be online at the same time as you to keep things going smoothly. All I ask is you post when you're online and have the opportunity to do so. *shrugs*