Ssarak did not remember how to get back to his room without the gargoyle's help. He took a wrong turn at some point and managed to get lost wandering through the halls. As he searched for another gargoyle to speak to, he ended up stepping through a door leading outside, near the entrance to the college. This was at least some relief, as it meant he now knew where to go to find another gargoyle. Just as he was about to take another step, someone rounded a corner in front of him and nearly ran into him. He recognized her immediately, as he did not have to look down nearly as far as he was used to for her kind. It was the tall, rude, forest elf he had met the previous day, Alaira. She seemed just as startled as he was, though he was equally as confused as to why she was unable to hear him coming. "My apologies, though I would not say I was being particularly silent." He responded, lifting up his rather hefty axe and resting it on his shoulder. "To do such is a difficult task while carrying this weapon."