[U]Minasa, Eliza & Rinkei[/U] When Aya pulled out a sword of her own, Minasa's eyes rose up in shock but Eliza's smile widened as if she predicted this would happen. "Hmm, after taking some time to think about it, it would probably be best to stop for now." Minasa said, lowering her Bankai state as a dark shadow could be seen from behind her. "Hey don't stop on my account. All of you were just going to have a little sparring match so it's no biggie. Except for the fact that you all planned on having the fight in my office instead of outside which pisses me off. Cause my stuff but more importantly, my treasured coffee could've been damaged in the process and I would kill have to kill you all. Almost makes me want to do it now for even thinking about the possible causalities. Luckily, I'm in a pretty good mood so you can all just take it outside and have a fun ti...." The Captain's left eye began twitching suddenly, staring at his specially made coffee cup that looked as if it was broken. "Ummm, I have to check up on the others to make sure they're still breathing soo..." The lieutenant rushed out the door without saying another word. "It was me, I confess, yep I'm the culprit so what?" Eliza asked sarcastically. "You did that on purpose because you know I can't fight you right now. However, my roll says otherwise and now I choose to put it in motion this instant! We will fight later on tonight, once I find out where the place will be unfortunately. So I guess you're off the hook for right now only because we will need a place almost as big as the Seireitei for our spar." Rinkei said before walking off with his take-out in hand. "Well you do that but just make sure I don't have to be the one to drag you back here once it's over." Eliza laughed before sheathing her Zanpakuto once again.