[i] "Thank you. Now I won't have to worry about you so much." [/i] He smiled warmly at the young girl as she climbed into the bed next to his. He was surprised at how much he trusted the girl, even though he had only known her a couple of hours, even enough to confidently be willing to let down his guard and get some rest. Within seconds, he noticed she had fallen fast asleep. The Time Lord then closed his own eyes, placing his long arms behind his head to rest upon stretching out his legs so he was more comfortable. He began to worry rather than relax, beginning to fear how close he was to slipping into his dreams. Most often than not, he had nightmares. Nightmares about the people he had lost in his nine hundred years, or more commonly, the Time War. He was terrified, simply because it made him vulnerable. Which he didn't like. But slowly and surely, he slipped into sleep.