Should be up to date now, unless Sloth wants me to edit it up if he's returning as our Sub-mariner. --- [hider=Aquaman]| Character you wish to portray | The Basileus of all of the Okeanos, Orin of Atlantis / Aquaman | Hero, Villain, or WTL? | Hero | Powers and Skills | Atlantean physiology allows undersea adaption, super strength, endurance, toxin immunity, and a degree of superspeed while underwater. Orin is also trained in sorcery which allows him to utilize water constructs, hydrokinesis, and telepathy with undersea creatures. He’s also been trained in combat; and is confident in swordplay and polearm combat as well as close-quarters melee form. | Affiliation | The Justice League League of Atlantis | Alignment | Hero | Notes | Nothing I haven't mentioned below, so far. Will be editing this ASAP. | Origin and Backstory | Birth of Atlantis Sometime in the ancient era a great cataclysmic event occurred when an object from space came with great force somewhere near the North Sea, the impact itself was so tremendous that it caused geological upheaval and forced the tectonic plates to shift which yielded massive floods that caused the entire sovereignty of Atlantis to sink beneath the waves. The absence of Poseidon to defend his chosen people struck fear into the people as the ocean attempted to swallow them whole. However there was one light of hope during this catastrophe, the capital of Atlantis named Poseidonis managed to survive due to the erection of a giant dome that shielded the entire city. Unfortunately this left those not from Poseidonis to suffer the forces of drowning or adaption or it would have if not for the intervention of the sorcerer known as Shalako who used his magic to protect his followers from the crushing pressure of the ocean depths and thus the atlantean city of Tritonis was salvaged. Years later, the ruler of Poseidonis used his league of sorcerers to do the same as Shalako did in Tritonis; believing he had the blessing of Poseidon on his side to not deform into a subhuman creature. Whether he was correct that he indeed had Poseidon’s blessing— or simply better magic practitioners than Shalako is uncertain. Those without sorcerers to save them became mutant subhumans of the sea for undisclosed reasons; they would set up their home in Neptunos. In Tritonis, the serpent sea-titan named Set attacks Tritonis and begins a conquest on the people he deems as weak due to the lack of a guardian since in the ancient times Poseidon always stood between him. Nearly at the same time in Poseidonis a civil war erupts as the republic falls into disarray. One man steps up to unite Poseidonis and then send aid to Tritonis—thus starting the royal line that descends to Orin and Orm. Set is driven back as Poseidonis shares its superior developed technology with the half-destroyed Tritonis. The two city-states are united. Several years later, Atlantis discovers that a surface kingdom is to join them and saves them from their fate—giving them the same magical reconfiguration as them; thus creating the city of Shayeris and expanding the empire. Origins Orin II Vasilikos was the eldest son of Atlan I Vasilikos. When Orin was fourteen he found himself arranged to marry Mera I Mageia, a noble girl who was destined for great things as said by the profetes within the empire. Mera was indeed special and for a time Orin courted her before they ultimately married around the surface world year of 1995, Orin was sixteen years old. His brother, Orm, desired Mera but understood the politics of the society as he found himself being arranged to marry Amir I Kurios. Before becoming ruler, Orin found himself training in the Conservatory of Sorcery, the Archives of the Ancestors, the Temple of Poseidon, and the Hall of War—believing he needed to be ready for whatever responsibilities that was required of him. By the age of twenty Orin was tasked with the incredible responsibility of the Empire after his father perished. And since has been ruling Atlantis to the degree that he has learned. Atlantean Civil War Secretly, Orin’s brother—Orm had been plotting to depose of all threats to his right to rule and using his tactical genius devised a plan that made it seem like Orin had assassinated Namor’s mother—the then ruler of Tritonis. Namor infuriated by the supposed betrayal by the men he had surrounded himself with and rushed to the banner of war; exactly what Orm wanted. Before Orin knew it he found himself dealing with a broken and divided Atlantean Empire and the first great crisis of his life. The war itself went on for several surface months which led to a seemingly diplomatic meeting with Namor and Orin—of which ended in treachery as they found themselves nearly murdered and left for dead by Orm: thus revealing the shocking true intent of Orin’s brother—to be the one and only Oceanmaster of the World. Days after Orin and Namor’s supposed death the Atlantean Empire declared war on the surface world—staking claim to what Orm wanted. This started a conflict with SHIELD’s naval response team led by Rick Flagg. However, there was hope as Namor and Aquaman found themselves washed ashore in the United States. Aquaman had dealt with the surface before and rushed to the Justice League to explain what had happened and to help him regain Atlantis. Namor had doubts about the surface world which led to a lengthy honest conversation about Namor’s true nature. The two with the help of the Justice League confront The Oceanmaster and his paid mercenaries led by Black Manta and take back their home. The conclusion of the battle led Orm to a prison cell, Namor to take his mother’s throne, and Orin to return to ruling the empire itself. However, damage had been done both underwater on the surface that would not go unnoticed or overlooked. | Why have you chosen this character? | Because honestly I’m sick of Aquaman getting ignored and played off as a joke. I love Orin and I always liked the Kingly version of the character so I’m going with that. I want to work with Orin the Monarch with his strong sense of responsibility, justice, and fair play. | What do you believe you can bring to the RPG? | Aquaman. Do I need to say anything else otherwise that I’ve not already stated? | Provide a sample post as the character you wish to portray, three paragraphs or more and with at least one line of dialogue | “Reports state that the lowborn of Neptunos have raised their flag with him, brother. This Namor uprising could have been entirely prevented had you not protected him from Thakkor’s wrath all those years ago and now you see it as men of fish and the lagoon march upon us. What are you going to do, my wise king?” “Mind your tone.” “Orm is right, despite my agitation with this entire civil war that threatens to ravage my people. If I could concede to somebody who wasn’t a youth full of reckless abandon and entitlement then maybe this war would have been over before it started.” Orin— the ruler of Atlantis, thought as he crossed his arms as he sat on the Throne of Poseidon as his blue eyes looked down upon the report that stood in his hands. The report signed by the Hall of War had declared that the assassin, Black Manta had been contracted by Namor in his rebellious conquest of the entire realm. Orin wasn’t sure why the young Namor had gone on the path of rebellion and he had to wonder who had spoken to him to convince him that he was the enemy despite all of what Orin had done is protect Namor and his mother from the wrath of the seven seas. It was a tragedy that Fen had been murdered, but he was not to blame and if only Namor knew. But the young man refused to listen and would not take any message with the royal ink so whatever words Orin would give him would have to be in the heat of a royal duel, which Orm suspected Namor was too afraid to take Orin on in an honorable fair manner. “At least Shayeris stands strong with us.” “A defensive approach will only dwindle our resources and make us lose outposts on the floor.” Orin let a sigh as he rubbed his temples. “You speak truth, Orm. But what do you say we do? I do not want the blood of innocents on my hands.” “You will not have to dirty your trident, my king.” Orm smiled as he nodded. | Roster Pic |[/hider] [hider=Miss Martian]| Player Name | Gowi | Character | M’gann M’orzz – Miss Martian | Power and Abilities | Martian Physiology: Ranging from super strength, levitation, a variety of senses, enhanced vision, shapeshifting, telepathy, and general psychic abilities. | Affiliation | Xavier’s School for the Gifted | Alignment | Hero | Character Notes | Martian Manhunter – The only other known survivor to M’gann and her mentor. J’onn is the one who sends the teenaged girl to the School for the Gifted as he views it as the safest place he could place her as mutant and superhero dissent rises. He is a former prisoner of Emperor Dru-Zod and one of the founding members of the Justice League. Howard the Duck – While incarcerated as a slave, M’gann found a protector in that of Howard the Duck who ended up on the War World for similar reasons. They parted on favorable terms and Howard told her to “quack” if she ever needed help. | Background and Story | Early Life and War World M’gann M’orzz was born about a decade sometime before the military conquerors known as The Kryptonian Empire put their sight on Martian society. As the Kryptonians began to push forward, M’gann’s parents placed M’gann in a hyperbolic stasis and sent her off in a small spacecraft into deep space. It would take many years for M’gann to return to consciousness when a slave barge in the employ of the warlord, Mongul, discovered her. Upon her awakening M’gann found her memory spotty and herself surrounded by strange aliens with ranged weapons – M’gann used her martian physiology to her advantage and attempted to fight back in a state of overwhelming shock. However, using her powers in such a manner was new for her and she found herself deprived of her energy as she was captured by the slavers. Now taken to a planet that was the center of Mongul’s empire, M’gann found herself alone and surrounded by others who were consumed by their hate and fear. Coming to her defense heroically was a smart-mouthed alien that resembled an anthropomorphic duck—his name was Howard. As time moved on and the two struggled to survive they came across four individuals from a planet called Earth who Howard jokingly referred to as “the fantastic four” joking about their less than idyllic situation. However, events occurred and M’gann discovered a group had been sent from Earth to rescue to the four earthlings; among this rescue team was a martian like her named J’onn J’onzz – the Martian Manhunter. This led to an escape for Howard, M’gann, and the Fantastic Four; all of which retreated to planet Earth. Planet Earth Through discussions with her fellow martian, M’gann learned that Mars had been destroyed for some time and even he wasn’t so sure. This devastated M’gann and for a time she stayed at the Justice League HQ before J’onn suggested her getting comfortable with a new home—Howard agreed with the idea and days later M’gann met with Charles Xavier and was then enrolled in his school for the gifted. It wasn’t until M’gann arrived that she saw how varied everyone was and how comfortable they were with their oddities. It wasn’t quite home yet, but perhaps here was a good place to be. As a confused fourteen year old girl... M'gann fit. | Sample Post | “Excuse me... you are one of the others—the new ones, correct?” The voice cut through Howard’s self-loathing like a knife, the anatisian looked for the source of the soft, gentle voice as he spotted a female… about fourteen or so with crimson hair. Howard nodded as his eyes looked over the humanoid girl in the barely lit prison cell. That was then Howard noticed a variable of other men and women in the cell—none of his friends among them. “I know little, can you tell me what this place is?” Howard is astounded the girl doesn’t know, but hesitates as he takes a light breath before answering. “It’s a gladiatorial ‘crapper, it’s the warworld.” Howard replies, albeit not very eloquently as he is still lost in his own frustrations. He pauses after as another thought comes to his mind. “You’ve never heard of it?” She nods, “I’ve never been in this part of the galaxy… I’d ask the others but they are sleeping and I don’t wish to…” Howard raised a brow, “That concern isn’t necessary, we’re all kind of on the crap bus.” “What is going to happen?” Howard frowned, but decided to tell it straight to the girl. “Listen… er..” “M’gann.” “Okay, M’gann; the guy who owns this planet likes to see people fight each other—slaves versus slaves, slaves versus monster. I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do to get out of here. I’m kind of agitated it’s lead up to this.” M’gann nods, “I…. I’d like to leave, too, can I help?” “….I… I don’t know. We’ll see. My names Howard, anyway.” Howard looked away from the girl—her innocence and confusion creating a sort of energy in him. Mongul captured kids to fight to the death, too? It was pretty awful that he did that, but Howard never pegged Mongul for a saint. Howard stands up and straightens the collar of his jacket, he wasn’t staying in this cesspool. Howard couldn't let himself stay here and he certainly wouldn't fight for somebody's sick perverse sense of entertainment; he would find a way out.... somehow. “So… what part of the galaxy are you from, then? I figure we may as well chat since we’re locked in a cage together and I am definitely not sleeping after all this.” Howard asked to M’gann who still hovered behind him as she searched for answers and well…. something not so solitary. M’gann knew of other races but she never knew that the first person out of stasis she would speak to was a humanoid duck. “Sol.” She answered, pausing to remember it’s designation in guardian terminology; assuming people still used it. She had not known how long she had been in stasis nor how the universe had changed. “…sector two-eight-one-four.” The name of the system and the corps district ignited in a searching response from Howard as he tried to place it on a mental galaxy map and when he did he saw an area muddled in conflict—the galactic boonies (then again his sector was kind of the galactic boonies as well before Mongul attacked). “That’s pretty far.” He responded as he shuffled his hands in his jacket pockets. “Actually, it’s kind of in the middle of nowhere. What are you doing out here?” Howard added as he turned back around to face M'gann. Her expression sank a little as the anthropomorphic duck asked her the question, why was she here? She understood how it happened but it all seemed a bit blurry: the distinctions of her past seemed hazed and hard to recall; but what she did remember seemed pretty concrete, although anything past that was a headache. “It’s… a little hard to remember.” She admitted before adding on to answer the question. “I was put into stasis as I was escaping something from the colony I’m from. I woke up yesterday and that’s when the people… of this place took me. I reacted—and I was thrown into here.” “You reacted?” “Yeah, I threw one pretty far—he hit his head. He’s not the only one, I was pretty panicked when I awoke. I called out for anybody… and nobody answered.” Howard nodded, while it wasn’t surprising to meet a superpowered being as his teammates were a few of that nature it threw him off that this docile green girl had it in her to do such things. “Well, keep on trying…. if I can get a handle on all of this maybe we can get out of here.” | Roster Picture |[/hider] [hider=Deadpool]| Character you wish to portray | Wade Wilson, Deadpool. | Powers and Skills | Wade Wilson was trained to be a special operations unit by the United States military and as of such he has had always had specialized skills. Wade’s traveled from Japan to Santa Prisca to Qurac to Latveria and so on. He’s well-traveled and has adopted several skills from close-quarters combat to swordsmanship. If not for his unhinged comedic individualist personality Deadpool would probably be working for SHIELD, CADMUS, or CHECKMATE by now. As a person who is categorically insane; Deadpool also has a unpredictability that even people like Taskmaster cannot even predict. After his engineering Wade’s dormant healing factor has been manipulated to be turned into the best healing factor in the business of healing factors. If Wade loses a limb it can come back; but the thing about this is Wade’s still in constant agony from the suppressed cancer and bodily manipulation he has gone through which is partially to blame for his insanity. | Affiliation | Task Force X (formerly) United States Military(formerly) | Hero, Villain, or WTL? | I’d honestly argue for chaotic neutral in the vein of walking the line here. Deadpool may be insane and his emotions might charge him to make some excessively deadly force, but he’s not a big fan of evil geniuses or torturers—which leads in to sadistic bullies in general I suppose | Notes | Task Force X isn't Suicide Squad in this continuity; they just served similar purposes. TFX was comprised of: Floyd Lawton (Deadshot) Wade Wilson (Ravager) Vanessa Carlysle (Copycat) Mark Shaw (Manhunter) Neena Thurman (Domino) Derrick Coe (Black Spider) Wade Wilson's family, depending if someone picks up Slade will be left vague other than his brother is Slade. | Origin and Backstory | Early Life The Wilson’s were a small family stricken with poor luck and bad timing throughout their long history since their debut in America around 1902. Going from rich industrialist to starving in poverty speaks a degree of perseverance and never for the family. Fast forward a few decades to see the Wilson family’s current state: Slade and Wade Wilson. During childhood the one paramount thing that existed among the Wilson boys was how the younger (Wade) of the two idolized the older (Slade). It became to the point even when Slade joined the United States military Wade eventually did as well. In his youth, Wade generally had a comedic and foolhardy personality despite having a determined iron will beyond the quick-talking happy-go-lucky personality. When the military discovered that Wade had a knack of violence that compared to Slade Wilson they began to focus on forging Wade into the soldier and operative they wanted him to be. Wade discovered what he had finally been good at: killing people. In fact Wade was so good at facilities of murder he found himself being transferred into a special unit of skilled soldiers before he hit the age of twenty-three. This squad would come to be known as “Task Force X, the titular suicide squad took him in as he found himself working under Tony Masters with several individuals such as Floyd Lawton, Vanessa Carlysle, Mark Shaw, Neena Thurman, and Derrick Coe. By the age of thirty, Wade Wilson under the codename “Ravager” acted with extreme prejudice. At this point his relationship with his brother became distant even if the two attempted to keep in contact. That is of course until Slade Wilson disappeared. In 2010, Wade Wilson was recommended for leave in spite of his superior military service due to a health concern: Wade Wilson had cancer. Taking this time out to try to investigate ways to subdue it, Wade was eventually approached by ex-researchers of the same project his brother Slade had apparently taken part in. Believing their research could remove his illness he joined and began the painful process, but by the end of it Wade’s dormant healing factor became thrown into overdrive; but the catch was there was no bridging the pain of regeneration or purification of his cells. Wade felt every second and every day for several months of his cancer being wiped from his body. During the recuperation process, Wade was transferred to Department K, a facility obscurely associated with the project located in rural Canada. This is where Wade Wilson met Doctor Emrys Killebrew, his enforcer Ajax, and several others. This is also where Wade Wilson would lose himself. Killebrew was fascinated with Wade’s “supergene” that allowed him to regenerate all sorts of levels. Believing it to be the process to create a super soldier program that would rival HYDRA and SHIELD’s glory days he began to pick apart Wade Wilson and for quite some time Wade felt this on a daily basis as he succumbed to pain that he could only imagine. Wade attempted to bond with other patients of the program like Worm to keep him from losing himself despite the constant agonizing pain. Wade even began to think that he was communicating with the visage of Death, but death never came. One night, Wade heard how his survivability was put into a betting pool—the survivability of him living. He tried to escape, but even with his training the unbelievable amount of pain placed him at a disadvantage. When Worm died, Wade lost it and attempted to kill Ajax. The punishment for such insolence was Wade’s supposed end as he was deemed to have served his purpose. Ajax and Killebrew dissected Wade, chopped him into tiny pieces, set him on fire, and tossed him in a drain pipe. A normal person… would of have died. Regenerating from the state Wade had made him finally not just go over the brink of madness, but dancing in the fields of madness. Seeing Death again was nice for Wade, but he refused to be ready for it when the taste of vengeance drove his will to live. The regenerated Wade found his memories in pieces; only remembering fragments of the recent years. Eventually finding himself in New York City, Wade began living off the money of drug dealers he nonspecifically murdered as he tried to get things on track—that is until he watched the event that became known as The War of the Supermen. His insanity overlapped again and suddenly he wanted to be a ‘superhero’. Donning a modified version of his former Ravager detail, Wade began calling himself “Deadpool”. Deadpool While his memory still remained largely fragmented aspects of it have been coming back to him in small amounts. Wade Wilson remembers bits of childhood, flashes of his work on Task Force X (as the most recent non-torture memory it is the most clear). However Wade’s transformation into Deadpool can be explained as a childhood fascination coming full circle and him reacting earnestly but improperly. In the time since the War of the Supermen the name of Deadpool has become synonymous with deaths of drug dealers and street warlords within New York City. This however has put him in the crosshairs of a certain Kingpin… | Why have you chosen this character? | I like Deadpool and he’s a great challenge at self-aware first person perspective or at least I think he /could/ be. He’s high entertaining and yet he’s reduced to a boring assassin who really doesn’t have conflicts of his own interest due to a supposed insanity complex. I think I can work around that and while it’s completely different from what people like about him I think we can keep the bits that are funny and the bits that come right out of my mind to make him a little bit more engaging. | What do you believe you can bring to the RPG? | We are going back to Fabian Nicieza, Joe Kelly, and Christopher Priest for this one. The one thing I was never fond with how Deadpool became a walking idiot box once Priest ended his run with the character. Now don’t get me wrong I think his issues during Marvel’s “Civil War” were quite hilarious but at the end of the day do we really have to have a Deadpool Corps, him traveling the multiverse, and so on? I think with a lot of digging I can create something different for Deadpool. Taking the place of Wade LaFarge (Slade’s brother) we are going to see a lot of growth here. | Provide a sample post as the character you wish to portray, three paragraphs or more and with at least one line of dialogue | The last thing I remember is pain, though I suppose it isn’t really much of a difference from my current situation. My entire body feels like it’s either numb or on fire and boy is it something. There are flashes in my brain trying to remind me of something—the sound of an electric saw, maniacal laughter, the name “Deadpool”, and whispers that I can’t quite make out. Somebody made me into this way and they tried to fix it so I was either broken or dead. Jokes on them though, because I don’t think I can die; that much I think is true when I slipped off a mountain and landed on my skull. By all logical things… that should have killed me, but I didn’t even have a scratch. Man, my inner monologue is boring and dramatic as hell! Seriously, am I shitting myself here? I don’t think so anyway, because nothing smells funny. Though it does pretty much suck that I can’t remember anything but terrible things and my impulses aren’t making things any easier for me as I look down at the thug that just tried to steal someone’s purse. It’s a bit hokey for people to still steal purses right? I shake my head. What is apparent is I just broke this guy’s right arm before stabbing him in the throat with a brick. How the heck do you stab somebody with a brick?! I don’t know, but I guess I just did it and this guy totally doesn’t have a “fuck you death” healing factor. Sorry, death. It’s metaphorical, not literal. Though I actually wouldn’t mind if—ah never mind, you aren’t listening. “Well, that does not look good. Nope.” I chuckle as I look at the dead thug. I was trained to be like this, I mean… I remember a suicide squad or something and a few names—and a lot of good times. I don’t think I’m soldier material anymore though; because I just well… I don’t like orders too much and I don’t think I ever did. But I’m clearly too awesome to do that now, besides what am I going to say going back? Hey guys, I can’t be killed now! Anybody want a waffle? Why would I say that? Because it’s awesome, that’s why. I look over towards the woman who just saw me brick a dude and toss her purse. She might have nightmares. Oh well! I’ve been wandering since the Supermen came and stomped on our faces before totally being kicked in the nuts by our Superman and I’m not quite sure what to do. I tighten my hold of my duffel bag as I walked the opposite way down the alley. Superheroes. Yeah, sure they’ve always existed but what’s the point of me outside of remembering why the heck I’m so fixated on the words ‘Deadpool’ and ‘Kill Brew’. But even if I found out what they meant and what my impulses say… what then? I mean it’s clear that I’m quite talented at killing people, but so far I’ve only done it out of impulse! Like some dude says hello or fuck you and I stab him in the eye! Bam! Why do I do that? Will I ever know? I don’t know right now. But until then I can just keep going until I find something I want to do; as I’m walking past a light-post I noticed a big ‘MISSING’ picture of a girl with big blonde pigtails and big blue eyes. It triggers something and the next thing I know is the paper is off the post and in my hands. I guess I’m finding this girl. How the hell am I supposed to do that though? I’m not a detective nor am I Batman! Should I be one of those two? Oh whatever! I’m sure I’ll run into something. | Roster Pic |[/hider] [hider=Captain Marvel]| Player Name | Gowi | Character | Carol Danvers – Captain Marvel | Power and Abilities | Divine Empowerment: All of the powers granted collection of six by gods and figures of legend either directly or through Shazam. This includes but is not limited to super strength, flight, magical creation, language comprehension, speed, and endurance. | Affiliation | Justice League | Alignment | Hero | Character Notes | Billy & Mary Baston – Kids at Mary’s school who are fans of Captain Marvel’s exploits. Teth-Adam / Black Adam – The warlord of Khandaq and a sworn enemy of Shazam. Shazam – The ancient wizard who grants young Carol with her powers. | Background and Story | Carol Danvers was born to a military family in Fawcett City, Indiana at the turn of the century. From a young age from her father and brothers—a certain personality was groomed: honor and courage. It would be years before these traits would come to use. On a school-funded trip to Fawcett’s Museum of Science and History, Carol Danvers witnesses a tragic catalyst that would change her life forever. It is here that Dr. Thaddeus Sivana finds himself accidently releasing a super-powered being that is none other than the ancient sultan of Khandaq who was said to wield the power of the gods themselves. Upon releasing Teth-Adam the artifact explodes in a surge of negative magic; this magic would in turn infect Sivana and darken his soul. Released from an insufferable prison Teth-Adam explodes in a rage and begins destroying the museum turning Carol’s field trip into a frightening endeavor. In the line of nearly dying Carol suddenly finds herself in another dimension instead of being struck by Black Adam’s magic. This is where she meets the ancient wizard named Shazam who initially compliments her on her courage. The wizard explains why he had brought her to his realm and speaks of Adam’s history and why he must be stopped. Carol reluctantly understands and finds herself blessed with the powers of Shazam who tells her that she must defeat Adam for the good of the world. Carol is then transported back to Fawcett City and becomes Captain Marvel for the first time. The untrained Marvel surprisingly does well against the drained Black Adam who at first underestimates her for her gender which gives her a slight advantage. The battle ends with Adam taking off, utterly ashamed he was bested by Shazam once again and a female as well. He journeys to his old home Khandaq to recooperate and what he finds left of his “empire” sends a deep crippling sadness in him. He vows to deal with Shazam’s new herald later—he must focus on Khandaq’s strength first. The next foe Carol would come to terms with would be Dr. Sivana himself who had been corrupted with Black Adam’s negative energy which granted him genius intellect. Viewing Marvel as a problem that could be in his way he vowed to destroy them before they became a threat. Throughout the year she would contend with weapons he would steal by hiring talented thieves. Eventually he was apprehended and SHIELD moved him to a secure facility. Eventually word made it to Carol about Black Adam’s restoration of his regime in Khandaq and went to aid in efforts—this led to Carol joining the Justice League. | Sample Post | “You are mine.” “Ew… no.” Captain Marvel was having a rough year—between Black Adam, Captain Nazi (who Carol had found hilarious), and now Sabina it just seemed the more she stayed as a superhero the more wackjobs came knocking on her door and Carol was NOT a fan. That was the notion of responsibilities for heroes though; the more you are out there doing good… the more idiots wanted to take you down a peg or even more than that. She didn’t know how Superman could deal with it; especially with some adults questioning his loyalty when he saved the world more times than Carol could care to count. It wasn’t like she was in love with him or anything but between him and Captain America—without him heroes would be a lot more slim. “Oh and I’d like to say, my powers aren’t for sale either.” Sabina growled at the second comment and in a way it hit her a lot more than the first comment Carol made. Captain Marvel wasn’t exactly why this crazy witch lady was out to suck the Shazam out of her but she didn’t like it. This was her gift—her responsibility. Nobody was taking that away without a fight. Concentrating her energy Carol summoned lightning magic to her hands as she balled up her fists. The next few minutes were hard to follow—but it was safe to say Sabina was on the bad end of some “shock treatment”. | Roster Picture | [/hider]