There was a bad grunting sound that was the end result of Lemmy's attempt to draw attention to himself by clearing his throat. This was all for show of course, which was traditional for throat clearing, because Lemmy didn't have a throat. He didn't have anything that could even pass, anatomically speaking, as a throat. He had a head, and that was connected to a body. Eir go, no throat. "Excuse me." He said, stepping forwards, into the make shift group, and raised his hand. "I know its only natural for everyone here to think I don't warrant a hello, but I do. I'm not a toy, or some kind of maker magic creation. I'm a sentient being with a conscious. As for you." He pointed at Sophia. "Why didn't you burn the papers. Now we're going to have a job, and I've got practicing to do because of it." Jynmi slapped Lemmy on the back of the hand. "Oh shut up. Be nice, and help her with the pages I'm sorry about that." He took the papers and held them carefully so that the wind wouldn't cause a repeat mess. Lemmy glared, or tried to. Its difficult to do a good glare when your eyes were only marker drawings. He did that for a moment before squatting down, though he didn't have to squat much, to help Sophia pick up papers. "I think your right. We haven't met. Yes, I'm Jynmi, and this is Lemmy. I know you might not believe him, but he's actually telling the truth about himself. So, it might help to protect some feelings if you didn't address him as a doll." Unsure of what else to do, he squatted down and started picking up fliers too. "Anyways. It's nice to meet you Sophia. " Jynmi's eyebrow arched as he noticed the new girl introducing herself. "Hello there Mex." he said, putting a flier on his stack, and then reaching up to shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you. This is Lemmy." He pointed at the doll who pretended not to notice. IT was the one time, not being able to show expressions was a blessing. Well, it was the one other time, the other time were in moments were he needed to bluff. He was an excellent card player. "Uh. Let's call him my friend, because that simplifies things, a lot. "