Mauk paused for a matter of seconds, processing that tough question that he often asked himself. What was he? He was designed as a weapon of war by an organization independent of any military, but he didn't let that define him. He abandoned his ways long ago and would never look back to such a life of forced violence upon the innocent. Therefore, that was not the correct answer to the question. Then what was? "I am...a lone ranger. Protector of the innocent and one who is traveling alone within the cold, dark expanses of the universe in search of my purpose. I don't have any other allegiance or purpose then that," he answered at last. "Perhaps if I had a soul this answer might come easier to me, or perhaps not." He did as the man requested, backing away from the morgue slowly until he was standing out in the hallway just outside the doorway. He didn't have a mouth, but one could swear he had grinned when the man corrected his intentional error on the meaning of life being 42. So this man knew his stuff. This "meaning of life" was apparently wide spread knowledge, so perhaps it was true after all? But how did that robot come to such a conclusion while Mauk couldn't? Perhaps he didn't have enough time or processing power. He was completely at a loss. Oh well. He'd have time to contemplate the meaning of life later. For now he had a hostage to free. "All right, I'm outside of the morgue. Release the hostage," he demanded.