“Depends on the trainer,” Leon replied. “From the studies I've done on Red, he wanted to fill the Pokedex. All 149 Pokemon put into a tiny, hand held computer. Now, that hand held is handed out to every new trainer by Professor Oak. Of course, we're special. We don't need a computer to tell us what a Pokemon is or can do.” He tapped the side of his head with a wide grin. “I have it all up here.” Shaking his head, he continued his explanation. “Red wanted to see and capture every Pokemon in the world. He succeeded, last I checked. With that kind of goal, I doubt he gave away his Pokemon. For one, he's the Champion. He receives challengers that succeed in the Pokemon League and manage to best the Elite Four.” He went quiet at that, considering his choice of words. “The legend goes that he awaits atop Mount Silver, north of Cerulean City. The Pokemon Master of this generation and the one who successfully captured all 149,” he explained. “The first ever to do so. I know I don't have the strength to challenge him, but I've always wanted to pit my mind against his. Someone ingenious enough to capture all of them and, what more, beat the Elite Four...I might not be able to win with my strength, but I think the two of us can make it to Mount Silver at least.”