So far, this whole visit had been a disaster, or at least that was how Runa felt about it as Sharphorn tried to persuade Remek to let them bypass the typical procedure and Thorgili complained about bureaucracy. Honestly, she didn't quite understand why it was necessary for them to see the guildmaster if they were just offering their services in investigating a strange light. Surely that wasn't really too big a deal for someone else to manage? Deciding to act on her thoughts, albeit after a few moments of hesitation, Runa spoke up. "Excuse me, uh, Mr. Remek, but is the guild lodge the place where we need to go to ask about helping with the, uh, investigation of those lights in the mountains?" she asked,fidgeting a little at the thought of drawing his attention. Again, though she didn't say it out loud, the idea of heading out to sea to search for a missing ship wasn't something that sat well with her. Even if it wasn't because of pirates, getting on a boat wouldn't be a very comfortable experience for her, and she kind of wanted to postpone it for as long as possible.