Doge stepped hesitantly onto the rough cobble stones that led into the city. "Magnolia, I'm finally here..." He strapped his bag and continued strolling down the street where he happened upon a blacksmith struggling to reach a sword. He stopped and grabbed the sword for the unethically short man. "Here you are~." He said cheerfully, but the smith just spat on his shoes and told him to get lost. "Actually I was wondering if you had some work maybe?..."Doge said downheartedly. "Mmmh...well you can sweep the place and handle the toiletries, pick me up some iron ingots for me if you would treebark." He stepped back, used to the discrimination. "Treebark?..."He muttered."I guess I'll be going." The smith looked at him patronizingly as he walked away. "Aren't you for forgetting the jewel for the ingots slug?" Doge just kept walking ahead, forgetting he ever helped the bitter man, not that any person he'd met before wasn't bitter toward him...