[b] [u] Grey Onyx [/u] [/b] Grey noticed the Doctor leave for some reason, and was a slight bit worried when he brought... someone. He wasn't sure what she was, as he certainly had never seen one of her kind before, but maybe it was just some flesh-mage with self-esteem issues? in any event, she said something to her colleague and touched his hand. Grey felt a tingle run through his body. Not unpleasant or painful, but he felt it. When she was done, she remarked how she wasn't in good shape and how she didn't sense anything life threatening. Well, that was a relief. The way they were acting suggested something less than pleasant was going on, so he thought they might have actually found something wrong with him. Nonetheless, he was done here. Grey stood up from his seat, and faced them. [b]"Thank you."[/b] he said politely, before continuing. [b]"I think I'll just come back myself around then. I can't stand those things."[/b] He said with a slight chuckle. He found Golems very obnoxious, with their limited intelligence and general clumsiness. With that he excused himself without incident.