Bachus nodded only once, but his point was clear. He cared about Asbel, and didn't want him harmed in any way. The Snap-Spires posed a mighty threat to entire armies, let alone a dragon and three young men. Even more concerned was the sorcerer about Frey. In his opinion, Frey wasn't cursed; he was born a curse. The four elder siblings were already superior- Frey could never hope to even dream of ever so much as touching the crown. Bachus scoffed a bit whilst thinking about it. Frey didn't even know what dreaming was! Alas, he believed his humor to be quite grand. "We are fine here; we have much of your feathers, so there is no issue. Be sure you do not die. I have alerted Augustine of your importance." Nodding once to Asbel, the sorcerer knew he would be in capable hands. The General and his Dragons were forced to be reckoned with, as Augustine wasn't a generally in the royal army just because of his nobility. Augustine, too, had a legacy. When he was only eighteen, the young man had saved the village of Theory by reasoning with the fae in a nearby forest, convincing them to stop their mischief. With a clap on the back, the middle-aged man lumbered out of the room with a straight face. He could only hope something would happen to Frey while they were on the road. Perhaps Augustine or Cassius would lose their patience with the evil little prince and end him. Smirking as he thought of how much the prince would suffer without the cursed woman to protect him. --- Frey smiled slightly at his friend, even knowing that he was doomed to suffer every night for a long while, as long as the wise dragon was there, he needn't worry about his safety being in danger. He would have to be very careful about the hours he was asleep, and somehow ask either Cassius or August to wake him up at certain intervals so he wouldn't have to worry about being locked in a nightmare for hours at a time. Ever since he was young, Frey had been taught to recognize certain types of foods and roots that increased his energy, as to minimize his sleeping time. Even though he had been living with the curse for as long as he could remember, it wasn't something you could get used to. Even now, the fears had never subsided. When he was younger, Frey would try and not go to sleep. He would get even crankier, and it didn't help that Blanche was the only knew who realized his actions weren't out of the blue. Perhaps Frey found his main pleasure from tormenting other, no different than the strangely pleasurable sensation some of us might get from dipping your hand in a bag of raw beans. It couldn't really be justified, it was just something that one did. It relieved his stress, so he continued to do so. Though it has earned him a poor reputation, he wasn't beyond being kind to others. It was just less desirable, because there would be voices telling him to lash out. "I'm scared." Frey said as boldly and softly as he could. The dragon, he felt, understood him to a certain extent. Wise as he may be, the dragon probably wouldn't imagine for all the things he did to others, he was attacked mercilessly in his sleep every single night. Frey did realize that there would only be two tents, and it scared him. If he slept beside August, Frey was convinced that his brother would laugh and jest about his weakness. Imagine, the castle's current tyrant, a bed-wetter! He didn't actually 'go' in his sleep, but that was beside the point. If he shared a tent with Cassius, then he would have to either confide in the dragon or lose his trust forever. And if he had to share with Asbel... Frey shivered just thinking about it... The prince sank as he sat on the floor most casually. "I'm so, so, scared..." He repeated, eyes softening as he looked at the dragon.