The silence was maddening. The mute screams of anxiety amplified the tense feeling filling Riley. It wasn't her. It just wasn't her. They couldn't arrest her! [b]"Mr. Williams, you are free to go."[/b] She clenched her fists. The husband? If she had a million dollars, she would have definitely bet it all on the husband as the murder. That was usually who did it in all those crime shows she had watched. Then again, there was a difference between reality and TV. But she was so sure... Some doors opened ad her legs moved nearly robotically as the guards led them all away. The winding hallways added with Riley's sickening unease to create a nauseatingly dizzy feeling. Claustrophobia was something Riley had never had. Small spaces were uncomfortable, but tolerable. However, here the walls seemed to be too small. They were too suffocating. Dreadfully suffocating. Riley's pace slowed as they reached some cells, one containing a seemingly mad man. Unease caused her to hesitate at the cell entrance. Only twice had she been to a jail. Once had been to visit her uncle and the other...She preferred not to think about the other time. The drunken laughs turning into screams, the blinding lights, the glass flying everywhere. It had taken her friend's life, and nearly Riley's as well. She stumbled as she was pushed inside and she quickly moved to a corner farthest from everyone else. There was no way she was going to take chances in a situation like this. Her panic grew as the crazed looking man started talking. He sounded insane, looked insane. But there was something about his words that almost seemed to hold true. A slight ache formed in her temples. There was so much going on. Riley subconsciously reached for her back pocket, grimacing a She realized what she was doing. It was an old habit passed on from her smoking days. She had quit, of course, but there were still moments when she needed something to get her to relax. This was one of those moments. Taking a ragged sigh, she voiced her attention to the rest of those trapped with her rather then the throbbing head pain. Introductions were passed around. An Ethan and a Ryan. The one other girl, so far, hadn't spoken her name. Riley pushed herself back farther into the corner. It was definitely uncomfortable, but she still wasn't taking chances. "Riley," she greeted briskly. "Riley Kalen. Pleasure." Her voice was full of cold steel and her eyes like ice. "Truth be told, I have no clue what the hell is going on. Just don't touch me and we'll get along like rainbows and unicorns."