Serene could not sleep last night. She was anxious to go into town to start to piece back her memory. Moon In-Sun had become her home. He was the only memories she had and she loved him. But she needed more she need to to know what had happened to her memory. Moon In-Sun tried his best to be happy for her but she knew he was still trying everything to keep her there. She tossed and tried to shut her eyes. All she could see was him. A tear rolled down her eye. She wiped it away with the back of her hand. Serene could hear him mixing potions in the room next to hers. A breeze swept throughout the room it brought comfort to this unsure moment. The next moment she heard footsteps and felt him wrap his arms around her. Another breeze came through the room and he held tighter to her. She closed her eyes and feel asleep in his arms. The light shone into the little home. She smiled he was awake holding her hand. They looked into each others eyes. "I could not wait for you to wake." "Follow me!" We went to the next room. He lifted up a round potion bottle that look like it had the ocean in it. "This will help to bring back your memory." "You won't have to leave." She smiled with a heavy heart, wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head into his chest. "I want to, I want to with all my being but there is something in me that needs to go." She looked up into his eyes silent tears running down her face. He put his hand to her check and wiped away the tears. "I understand, I love you!" "I don't want to let you go but, if that is what you want I will." More tears ran down her face. He wiped each one that rolled down her check away. "It's okay I will always be here when ever your ready." "Wait! Your not going to come with me?" She knew he wasn't but she need to hear it to make it a reality. "No, my place is here people need me." I wrapped my arms tighter around his waist. "It will be alright I will always be here." "Waiting for you." He gently set his head a top mine. Tears still falling. "We will leave at noon." Saying but not moving. Serene had pack everything on the relic motor bikes. Stepping back and looking at the memories that she had here. Moon In-Sun was inside grabbing the last few things. As she jumped on the starting the engine as it roared with a monstrous sound. She took in her last deep breath of this place. Moon In-Sun came out with his hands full. "You will need these!" He pack everything in the bags he had prepared for her. "Even though you are leaving me you should still take this I believe it will help." He handed her the blue liquid. Without hesitation She swallowed it in one gulp. "How do you feel?" Moon In-Sun asked. Serene thought for a moment. "The same." Moon In-Sun sighed a little. Serene smiled. "Where you hoping that my memory would come back?" Moon In-Sun smirked and moved in closer to her face. He lingered by her lips. "Yes!" She smiled and kissed him. Serene and Moon In-Sun where in town. They got there quicker than they both had hoped. Both of there hearts where heavy. They did not look at each other just at the splendor of this grand city. Moon In-Sun spoke. I found you over there. He pointed to an alleyway. Moon In-Sun drove closer to that vicinity and stopped at a motor park. As Moon In-Sun swiped his card the motor park opened and they parked the motorbikes inside. As they both walked out Serene grabbed Moon In-Sun's hand and the motor park rotated behind them as they headed to the alleyway. As they approached the alleyway there was a young boy who had just attacked a garbage bag. Moon In-Sun pulled Serene back to the wall as the boy walked by.