A middle aged woman stood before a room devoid of any decoration or furnishings, a small space that couldn't be used for much. The only other objects in the room besides herself were the hologram equipment. She pushed her glasses up on her nose calmly and deliberately as the machinery booted up, purring in the way only a machine could. While age had worn away much of her youth, the woman's beauty could still be imagined. She had grey eyes that might have once been soft and mysterious but had turned cold and hard. Her hair was streaked with white strands, prominent against the deep black, pulled back into a professional bun. Her attire was strictly professional, giving off the vibe of a traditional police sergeant. Despite her appearance of having seen her fair share of battle, this woman still maintained a kind and just enough heart to be put in charge of the New York City teams. The machines signaled their start-up, lighting up the space before her with realistic holograms of a debriefing room. She was slightly disappointed she could not meet the candidates in person, a meeting she would be attending directly after her conference took precedence over her new position. Empty chairs belonged to those who had not yet managed to arrive at the NYC Head Quarters, and would have to be briefed at a later time. Glancing to her right was the hologram of a young man, slouching against a wall invisible to her eyes. "Welcome volunteers, my name is Clarisse Nightshade and I will be your directing officer for as long as you are in the program. I must apologize for my absence, a matter has arisen that I must attend to personally, but rest assured that you will be seeing more of the real me in the future. Some of you many recognize another candidate from working previous jobs in similar areas but introduce yourselves anyway. As you know, many of your allies have gone missing or insane, some even found dead. Your safety against this unknown threat is being taken very seriously, which is why you will be sorted into two teams based off of strengths and weaknesses. For the time being not all of the participating members have arrived from their previous locations so missions will be carefully selected if at all. Take this time to get to know each other whether on the same team or not, you may find yourself in need of their help in the future. This may also be a good opportunity to get in some personal training and group exercises in before a field test, it is crucial to know how to work with one another." Clarisse shifted her gaze to the man standing beside her hologram, whose eyes were still closed as he leaned up against the wall. "This man here is Cade Johnson. He will give you a tour of what you need to know about the facilities while you get settled in. Mr. Johnson, I leave them in your capable hands." The hologram equipment shut down and the image of the woman disappeared, leaving behind Cade and the group of Guardians he would be protecting. Cade pushed away from the wall, his black outfit a complete contrast to the crème colored wall behind him, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. His eyes opened slowly to reveal the red irises underneath his eyelids, a sly smirk curling the edges of his lips. "Well then... Who wants to see an Angel at work?" His voice was silky smooth as he spoke, a left over habit from his player days.