Leon shook his head, cocking his head to the side to look at her. “I plan to battle him. My style of battling, though, is not to fight with power. It's a game. Who do I send out in this situation? What move do I counter with? Should I use an item here?” He was growing more excited by the moment. “I don't need strength if I can out think him. I just need to find a way to do so. Though, to do so, I'm going to need a lot of help. I'm sure I can do it with Nido, though. Isn't that right?” His Pokemon gave a happy cry, smiling up at him. “Okay, Rasca. We should be more serious now,” he stated, his smile softening a bit as he looked around. They were just entering the treeline. “I'm thinking each of us should have two other Pokemon by the time we leave this forest. It'll give us a bit of variety against Brock. Sound good?”