[u]Althalus, Ssarak, and Mar: Rtron, Elitecommander, and Fallenreaper[/u] Mar didn't' waste time when Tyrael untied her kill, her weapon placed into her coils as she took it across her shoulders. The beast was still heavy even if it was dead which made it more awkward then she was suited to. During the trip, she had noted her wound was reddened and puffed out a bit, a trait that concerned her. While Tyrael was around she ignored the sensation of hotness which had spread a bit from it and seemed to fill her being. It wasn't ideal for her show the weakness because she was sure it would pass later. Slowly she started to make her way across the courtyard after the Gates had closed. Althalus quickly left the Dining Hall, not wanting to stay near the noble any longer than necessary. They had a nasty habit of being far more curious than they needed to be. Something about being surrounded by guards that prevent curiosity from killing them, he supposed. As he left, he stopped outside in the courtyard and glanced idly around. Just looking for something of interest. And then, to his minor surprise, he spotted Mar slithering slowly through the grounds. She had her breakfast slung over her shoulder. Having nothing better to do, Althalus wandered over, eyeing the beast. It certainly looked unfriendly in every way possible. "And that is why I appreciate growing up in a city. Even a lovely city like Port Slaughter." He muttered, softly. He some how suspected Mar wouldn't appreciate his two cents about his childhood. Walking to her side he commented, "You've caught breakfast, I see. Want help carrying to to the room?" That's when he noticed her wound. The fact that she had been wounded didn't concern him. He saw wounds all the time growing up, and even more when he took up his career as an assassin. Most caused by himself. What did concern him was the reddened state. It may have even been puffed a little bit. Now, he was no medic, and it could have just been him making something much worse than it actually was. But, he had seen a few poisons turn a small scratch into something like that.. "You want to get that cut checked out? It looks..odd." Mar glared at him then snorted in distaste as he offered aid to lighten her load. She let out a low hiss against it while she tried to straighten upright, her torse still struggled under the weight, the arms readjusted to a better position. The animal's body had started to slip down and parts were the wounds were had oozed over her skin, dirtying it farther. She didn't mind because what concerned her more was the fact her vision had started to hazy a bit. "I can get it myself as for my wound, it's none of your concern. It will heal." She snapped and tried to brush him off. Her body started to move around Althalus but her body tilted, the beast started to slip easily from her grip only to force herself to tighten her grasp and barely keep it from toppling to the ground. Ssarak looked up for a moment when he saw the the main gate open. Two people entered, one of whom was the Demonmancy instructor, Tyrael, and the other a Naga he did not know. Ssarak knew little of the Naga, save for the name of their race and roughly what they looked like. They were both carrying large beasts the likes of which he had never seen before. He was curious as to what types of creatures they were, but otherwise, it did not seem to be something he would need to worry about. He noticed a human male approach the Naga, but quickly lost interest as he turned his attention back to Alaira. Althalus held up both hands in a placating manner as Mar hissed at him. She seemed to do that a lot. Even if they'd only known each other for less than two days. If she didn't want help, fine. But his concern only grew when he noted her struggling to carry it. He didn't know much about Naga's. They were fast, they were fairly strong(especially in their tail), they could scent , the only safe way to kill them was to destroy the brain. The things an assassin would need to know to kill a Naga target. A smart, long living assassin at any rate. Mar should have been able to carry the carcass easily enough. As she nearly lost her grip on it trying to pass him, he stepped in front of her, concern clear on his face. "I really think you should get the cut checked out." He continued hurriedly before she could snap at him. "But if you won't do that, at least let me help you carry it. You're obviously having trouble and frankly, I doubt you'll last another five steps...slithers." Her head seemed to feel like it was fire yet she pushed it back, her eyes narrowed on the human now in front of her. Mar felt her tail twitch at the male's arrogance as he shifted from his passive and meek to more assertive. If it wasn't for the fact she was trying to get away, she might've felt a slight attraction at this new side. However that wasn't the case. He was currently in her way and she felt angry about that which she then snapped out a warning. "Move or I [i]will[/i] move you!" Her voice showed her sour mood, once again her body tried to shift around his and move pass. It was not long after Ssarak looked away from the Naga that he heard a shout that directed his attention straight back to her. He looked back to them and saw that the human was blocking her way, and they seemed to be arguing over something, though he did not know what. Whatever it was, the Naga seemed to be especially angry as a result, and by the way she was gripping her weapon, he did not like where the situation had the potential of going. "Excuse me for a moment." Ssarak said to Alaira, moving past her and keeping his eyes on the pair. He walked behind them, not too close, but close enough to observe. Althlalus sidestepped to cut her off again, hands falling surreptitiously to where he hid a pair of daggers. She was obviously in a bad mood, and had trouble not trying to hit him when she was in what passed as a good move. "No. Either you get the cut checked, or let me help you carry that carcass." He kept his voice soft, calm. But also unyielding. He then waited for her to try and hit him now. That's what she was going to do. There was no way she would just agree to what he was demanding. He gave a small sigh. [i]Maybe she won't be the type to kill me in my sleep...assuming I survive this.[/i] He thought, a fleeting smile crossing his face. An assassin with a conscience. Shouldn't that have been the first thing that died when he 'chose' this profession? "MOVE!" She snapped loudly, her tail swung out at his waist as he jerked backwards. Her face took on frustration and her body shifted, struggled not to fall down while she discarded her kill. It landed with a soft thump then her scythe was tightened in her hands before she sliced it at his head followed by her tail at the feet. His daggers were out as soon as he saw her hands tightening on the scythe blade. To his credit, he avoided earning a new scar. Or having his life suddenly and abruptly ended in a rather violent manner. The bone blade scraped against the two steel blades, stopping it from hitting him. However, he failed to react in time to the tail, and crashed to the ground. He immediately rolled away from her and to his feet, avoiding her attempt to drag him into a coil grip, daggers held out defensively. "Okay, how about we calm down, hmm? You don't try to crush every bone in my body, I don't get an early physical fitness test where failure means death. That sounds good, right?" Ssarak was not surprised when the fight broke out, but he wished it hadn't. At first, he expected to see a golem intervene to hold back the Naga, but as he frantically looked around, he saw that there were none in sight, for whatever reason. Both of them had drawn their weapons, though the human was obviously only on the defensive. He knew not what was causing the Naga to be so violently aggressive, but he could not just stand by and let it happen. She was intending to kill the human, and no matter what it was the human had done to anger her, he could not believe that murder would be justified. Ssarak looked down at the axe he was gripping in his hands. His years as a warrior had taught him how he was supposed to deal with life-or-death situations, with...appropriate force. And yet...he could not do it. If his experiences had taught him anything, it was that could follow death was yet more death, more destruction. He closed his eyes, gripping the axe's handle even tighter for a few moments before tossing it to the ground beside him. No one was going to die here today. Mar reared, her height increased to intimidate him as he avoided her strikes and slipped from her grasp. Her eyes seemed to only see red, the fever worsened it and showed visibly through hot skin. She hadn't notice her fangs extended completely out to. Quickly her torso lashed forward with mouth open, intended to sink her teeth into his throat. She watched him jerk backwards again but this time, her body rreacted to counter it. The tail lashed at his feet then gripped it, his body swung about within the coils that looped around and around. Her tail constricted then slowly brought the man's face closer to her own. Eyes, more wild and dulled in sickness, stared back at Althalus. She pulled back slightly with fangs and readied to sink into his neck and rip out his throat. He should have done more than just jerk. He should have been prepared for the tail trick again. Then again, it wasn't everyday someone stared into the eyes of a maddened Naga with fangs full out, towering above them. As it was, he could only let loose a curse and let go of his daggers so she didn't stab herself when she coiled about him. [i]That[/i] was an unpleasant experience. His arms restrained, and then pressed against his ribs with bone creaking force. Air suddenly becoming a much harder commodity to find. As she brought her eyes close to his, Althalus let out a strained little chuckle, feeling his ribs creaking. Along with every other bone in his body. "You know..if you weren't trying to kill me..I might be tempted to kiss you." What a lovely saying to have as his last words. Just before the Naga was able to finish off the human, Ssarak closed enough distance to act. As he had practiced many times before, he concentrated on manipulating his blood into the most powerful form of magic he was currently capable of: his psychomantic breath. It was a uniquely Esyire trait, to be able to focus the essence of their blood into a breath attack. Usually, it directly harmed a foe in some way, but for psychomancy, the effect was a bit different. His breath attack in particular caused a certain calming sensation to come over the victim...among other effects, and when the cloud of gas enveloped the pair, they would immediatley begin to feel every single one of them "Enough!" Ssarak shouted, the anger evident in his voice. Even if his expereince at the college so far had not been perfect, he had taken the idea of what the college was supposed to be to heart. It was meant to be a place where students could learn to wield their gifts in safety, and that was an idea he thought worthy of protecting. "Calm yourselves. I know not what qualms you have with one another, but this is no place for violence. To kill over what likely amounts to a petty squabble is the choice of a beast, not a civilized being." He said, letting out a low growl. His words were more directed toward the Naga, as she was the aggressor. He would have spared the human from his psychomantic attack, but they were close enough that it was unavoidable. Mar's body relaxed the moment she inhaled the strange breath. Her mind felt light and unable to connect with the heat in her head, the Naga's eyes laxed in their appearance from her earlier aggression. Her body shivered abit now feeling the sweat cold against her surface and started to try to cool her down. What was she doing? Mar had only enough sense to ask that one question before slight smirk crossed her lips. Whatever the Esyire, who now seemed irked at...something, had been shouting seemed to fall on deaf ears. Her torso had lowered to the ground and now laid there, letting the dust kicked up by their earlier battle take her attention. Her fingers tried to catch them by batting at the air, her attention clearly on the other student at all. Her tail just flicked lazily until she noted the pretty red color on her arm. Mar gingerly touched it which caused her to hiss a bit, the pain dulled by the high buzzing in her brain, before something else caught her attention: a rather cute human who was gasping for breath. Slowly she dragged herself over towards him and flashed a small smile when he looked up at her. Althalus slumped to the ground, free of the coils, and too busy concentrating on getting air to his oxygen deprived lungs to keep himself upright. As he was only breathing very shallowly when Ssarak's breath hit him, it took him a few more moments to receive the full effects. Not that he did anything more than regain the knowledge of breathing fully. When the effects did hit him, he did nothing more than stare up at the sky and note how..blue it was. His skygazing was interrupted by a rather pretty, and slightly familiar, Naga face. He smiled up at her and was rewarded with a small smile in return. There was also an Esyire there, but he was yelling and Althalus ignored him. "And who might you be, beautiful?" He asked, before his brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait...you were going somewhere...and I was helping you...go to your room! That's it!" Ssarak probably should have expected the pair to become unresponsive while under the effects of his breath. At the very least, the Naga was no longer aggressive, and neither of them were in any real position to fight. It probably would have been wise for him to attempt to separate them, as he still had no idea what they were arguing about, but in truth, he was in no position to act either. To create a breath attack of that strength, he had to put quite a bit of effort and concentration into it, which in turn drained his blood considerably. He was already beginning to feel lightheaded and overall exhausted. As a result, his ability to concentrate on what to do next was significantly impaired. "Just..be civil." Ssarak said before turning around and taking his leave of the pair. He lazily walked back over to his axe and picked it up, letting it drag behind him as he continued in the direction of Alaira. "I need to sit down." He muttered, rubbing his head. Mar was too occupied with the human to hear the other student's comment. The man looked confused but to her, it only seemed to make the situation that much funnier. She giggled lightly and softly, she lowered her chin to rest on the ground for a moment. Mar merely tilted her head when the mention came up about her room, her eyes just blinked once as if the meaning by passed her. Instead her hand merely took a finger to brush away the blond locks then seemed to swell with excitement, the thought now registered within her head. "I think you're cute... very cute." She returned the comment then continued. "Yes, let's go!" Without waiting for Althalus's answer and her head all bubbly, she rose upright. Her hand bent down to help him up, the pair rather wobbly as they started for her room and vainly attempted to use each other to balance. Something that wasn't very well accomplished while they vanished into the distance.