Name: Bass.EXE Age: ?? Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]God of Destruction[/url] Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon Universe of Origin: Megaman Battle Network Personality: [url=]Bass[/url] carries a unsettling contempt for humans that even carries over to human-like beings, but rarely acts on it because of being unable to understand or find the reason for this hatred in the first place, and deciding that surrendering to a base emotion like this would only paint himself as an idiot not only in the eyes of others but also himself. Even worse, it could get him killed, now that he was supposedly something similar to flesh and bone. To put his mind off it, he turns to the only things that he can be said to love; combat and destruction. For this reason and his preference to be left alone, he spends most of his free time by himself in the training areas in Yggdrasil, not needing to eat or sleep. He doesn't believe in morals, but his own pride brings about a set of standards that stop him from carrying out truly devilish deeds, though this has been overridden by his desire to survive more than once before. Only interested in opponents as strong or even stronger than him, he doesn't raise a hand against the weaker ones, provided they don't push him too far. Despite a love for direct combat, Bass is willing to trouble himself with the objectives at hand, knowing it's an efficient way to send the enemies straight after him. He may seem dedicated, but the truth is he has abandoned loyalty long ago, and wouldn't think twice about turning his back on the UMMA if not for the promise of powerful opponents. His uncertain, alienating state of existence has made him careful and analytical, and while Bass is composed, he is still capable of aggression when provoked, though time spent amongst the other agents of the UMMA has made him somewhat more tolerant to other people, and ever since his discovery of the greater scale of the world, he seems to have become less prone to blowing annoying people up. Abilities/Weapons: Bass possesses [url=]multiple abilities[/url] such as levitation, and an aura that protects him from weak to moderate attacks. His cloak also shields him from attacks, but for stronger attacks he's forced to block by hand. Having assimilated numerous opponents in his life time, he has gained the powers of beings like Alpha, as well as Dark Power. His basic attacks consists of a [url=]destructive blast generated from the hands[/url], [url=]transforming his arms into cannons for rapid-fire energy shots[/url], and an arm blade made of Dark Energy. One of his most powerful attacks is the [url=]Gospel Power; Vanishing World[/url]. Backstory: Bass.EXE, designated 'Bass' or mistakenly and only recently, 'Bach', was a sentient life-form constructed from pure data by humans, a 'program' called a 'NetNavi'. NetNavi possessed the ability to exist inside, and affect the 'net', the electronic network that linked the whole world together, allowing them to complete tasks such as abnormality exterminations or data extractions, making them a vital and useful component of the world. The past generation of NetNavis had been limited to working alongside human partners, but his creators intended for him to be among the first of a new generation of them that would not require these human 'operators'. For this, Bass was installed with a special "Get Ability" program that allowed him to assimilate the abilities of deleted viruses and NetNavis. When a string of error-plagued incidents began to surface all across the net, Bass was the first to be blamed because of his nature, and he was arranged to be deleted by an elite force of NetNavis. Surviving by a thread, Bass recuperated from the damage done to him by the sent NetNavis as well as from numerous viruses afterwards in the recesses of the net, assimilating data from the defeated NetNavis and the deleted viruses. He continued to assimilate more data, not only for the sake of revitalizing himself, but also to grow stronger. Over time, he became one of, if not the most powerful NetNavi in the world. However, he would go on to encounter an adversary unlike nothing he's met before, and no matter how powerful he grew, the blue NetNavi surpassed him in power every time. Most recently, after having been defeated once more, Bass lost the last remnants of a cyber beast's data that he'd absorbed just for the sake of defeating this opponent, and he stumbled into the furthermost recesses of the Undernet. He soon falls over from the strain of having used, and subsequently losing, the cyber beast's power. When he awakened, he was met with a distinctly human-like being, that introduced himself as an agent from something called the Unified Multiversal Moderation Agency. Noting that Bass' 'homeworld' had yet to have an agent, and that the 'blue bomber' seemed to have his own hands full, the being told Bass that he was currently aboard a multiversal vessel headed for the agency's base of operations, where he'll be asked to join. Bass laughed at the idea, saying that he's never heard of a God of Destruction that protects. However, having come this far (and having been healed from his previous injuries), Bass decided he would entertain the being, and see for himself how the multiverse was like. Despite it only being a fleeting desire at the time, Bass did believe that he could find worthy opponents where he was going. And shortly after, he was proven right when some... thing from another group called the 'Shadow Eternity' attacked the vessel and killed the UMMA agent that brought him aboard. He himself survived and made it to Yggdrasil. Even though the UMMA didn't suit his ideals, he believed that the strongest opponents are those unbound by something like morality, and thus decided that Shadow Eternity provided the best opponents for him to fight and destroy. Because of this, he accepted the offer to join the UMMA. Faction: UMMA