[B] [U] Alaira Taenn [/u] [/b] Oh, so he had a big Axe? was she supposed to be impressed? Internally, she laughed a bit. The way that axe was designed, it would likely get stuck in things quite easily, such is the price paid for ornamentation. Either that, or it was wielded by someone with monstrous strength. Of course, seeing as that was untrue of the last guy she fought that waved around a similarly over-ornamented weapon, she was doubtful. [b]"Eh, I've seen bigger."[/b] She said. Well, wielded by a [i]minotaur[/i], but still. She was about to challenge the poor bastard to an honor duel when some other fight broke out. Hey, wait a second, why wasn't she invited? How inconsiderate! The lizard excused himself, but she found herself following for a closer look. As it turned out, they hadn't come to blows yet but Alaira had seen enough situations between such people and they only ever ended in two ways: Violence, or sex (Usually in a different location). However she'd never seen a Naga so pissed off. It wasn't long before they came to blows, and she was certainly enjoying the show. Her money was on the Naga. [b]"Come on, smack the bitch outta him!"[/b] she shouted as the guy avoided her attacks. However, soon she had the guy pinned and was about to tear his throat out when she moved to intervene. [b]"Heh, playtime's over..."[/b] she said with a crooked smile as she readied her lance and was about to charge in and knock the girl off of him. However, she did none of that as she noticed Lizard-boy was about to do something. The Lizard fired some sort of purple(?) gas out of his mouth at the two of them, and suddenly they didn't feel like fighting anymore. and then... it was as the two acted that the sheer... ridiculousness of the situation dawned on her. She started laughing as the two drugged fools started... well, being affected by it. she only laughed harder when the two wandered off together, considering that she was literally about to tear his throat out with her goddamn teeth. [b]"Well look at that Mr. Hero, you saved the goddamn day..."[/b] she said, still getting the laughter out of her system. [b]"The hell was that? I didn't know you could do shit like that..."[/b] she said. Clearly this guy was a bit of a killjoy, but he might be a good fight, who knows.