[quote=Shinra] But the beef's there - he's crazy. Or at least, he's going crazy.[/quote] I didn't see that at all. All I saw was a neutral and detached guy with some decent qualities. [quote]I'm actually trying a lot of things with Seth and that personality section, like using the weird kind of prose you'd see on the TYPE-MOON wiki, for the purpose of making him not just a character, but also a sort of meta-commentary on how people try so hard to make 'unique' and 'complex' characters these days.[/quote] That's fine and good, but don't forget that this is an RP. They tend to have a bad habit of fizzling out quickly, so I hoping you don't exert too much creative energy in something that could potentially fail. As much as you want to make him a representation of going against the whole 'unique and complex character' thing, I still want him to be easy enough to understand. I want to read his bio and fully understand what he's going to be about in preparation for interacting my hot-blooded dude Melvin with Seth. [quote]But of course, I couldn't settle for making a shallow character while I'm at it, so perhaps I can't say that this is completely true. Perhaps I tried too hard myself. Though your observation is fair - if you require it, I'll whittle down the personality. To be honest, not all of it is there, since he actually dabbles in politics, in a way. He has connections in the Zenterr military, men and women who've looked past simple sentiments, and you can't exactly call him a simple, mindless soldier. But at the same time he's not manipulable, with the state of mind he's at.[/quote] So let me get this straight about him. Seth has removed himself from the worst of society's issues and prejudices. He has light involvement with Zenterr's military and those folks who look past simple prejudices, preferring to see the bigger picture. But since society as a whole fails to see the 'big picture' that Seth sees, he's isolated himself from the prattle and is slowly going crazy from the world's ignorance, unable to find many like-minded people who share his view. [quote]As for Altair, it's the halberd seen in the picture. I wanted to include a name, but didn't know how to put it alongside a general classification of the weapon, sorry.[/quote] Oh, right, forgot about the picture. Derp moment on my part. Thanks. @ The Blue Sylph: Don't forget that she can use general base artes like Demon Fang and Sonic Thrust. I don't think she should have magic, though. That would make her a Magic Knight class rather than a Swordsman, and I don't want characters having a ton of artes at their disposal right in the beginning. Just because characters have Thaumae doesn't mean they have to use magic. Fix those, and she will be good. @ Leviathan: Shoot me a PM and I'll see what you have in mind.