Cody sat down and listened to the man not missing a word. When he recieved the PDA he briefly looked at it and put it in his cargo pocket on his right leg and then continued listening. Aliens...Who would've thought he'd go into space? Or that he would be answering to a...well someone of his nature...It's not like he hadn't before, but last time it wasn't nearly as long as this assignment would probably last. When he slid over the dossiers he was a little surprised. The dossier on Harry Blaze was a decent size, but the one of Ylva Falk wasn't nearly at the same depth. As he continued listening to Williams he skimmed over the woman's file. When Williams finished he slowly stood up holding the dossiers. "Just three sir. Will I be able to bring my custom rifle sir? And if they're an immediate threat are you authorizing the use of lethal action? And this Ylva Falk what's with the missing medical?" Three simple questions. Of course some of his medical was missing as well due to the sensitive nature of where and what he was doing when he received the injury, but to have nearly no medical on file, that was a big red flag. And now that aliens were involved he would have to learn about them. As soon as he left this office he would have to go somewhere secure and go over these files and then burn them. The PDA he would keep with him in case he needed a refresher. After Williams answered his questions he would nod and leave. He had some prepping to do.