[quote=duck55223] If this is still open I like to join it. [/quote] I do believe we still have one nation left. [hider=Lascaux] Nations Name: Lascaux Flag: http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=0&c1=0&c2=2&c3=3&o=6&c4=1&s=11&c5=2 Form of Government: Hoplarchy Describe the System: The country is run as a well oiled, well disciplines military unit with soldiers on top and providers(everyone else) below.Headed by a supreme general who serves for life.Previously a very respectable mercenary company, the Lascan people defended a small republic from attacks by its much larger neighbor. only to find out that the republic was unable to pay them as promised, seeking to obtain payment for their services they marched on their former employers. Having taken the capital almost unopposed, they were quick to realize that they were not paid simply because the government had no money. Coffers were empty and resources were scarce desperate to get their due they took over replacing their former paymasters and collected taxes from the subjects that had previously defended. Whilst the Lascan company was made up of some of the finest military minds, it was remarkably unsuited to governance and by over taxation further accentuated the poverty of the region. Fifteen years on the former mercenaries (still ruling over a disgruntled population) one again turned to war to make ends meet. Their reputation as being an army of well-equipped,disciplined and trained soldiers occasionally gains them contracts with other nations. Strong boys are often conscripted,taken away from their family trained and given the privileges of the warrior caste when numbers are needed.The military care very little about the serfs they command to feed them,clothe them and supply them with weapons. The military care very little about the serfs they command to feed them,clothe them and supply them with weapons. and desire little more than to leave the continent in search of wealth, opportunity and richer lands abroad. Unfortunately being landlocked and impoverished the Lascans lack the means to flee the continent jut yet and must rely on their skills to acquire ships and wealth. Location on Map Desired: Wherever you'll have me but without a coastline please. ( I also don't know how to put up a map without the upload file option) Important Settlements: Morito (capital) Description: Morito is the capital and only settlement of note, the little wealth that exists comes from the countryside into the city. Only the soldiers and the providers who are absolutely necessary (Smiths, servants, peasants bringing in food to be sold) are allowed to stay within the safety of Morito's walls. The city, whilst, far from wealthy, is constantly full of life as the sounds of muskets being fired and the shouts of officers and echo late into the night.Religion is non-existent as it offers alternative loyalty than to the Governor-general.The currency is called the Lascan dollar and is worth very little. Initially mainly silver it is now being debased every five or so years as larger and larger amounts of tin and lead replace the silver content.. Important Characters: Governor general: Argantan The Governor General holds all authority and rarely delegates to his other officers in times of peace. He is also rarely seen by his men and it is rumored that no provider has ever seen his face. Army: Veteran: 15,000 Regular: 50,000 Recruit: 50,000 Navy: NA GDP: 39,000,000,000 Stability: Unstable Traits: Large Army: Your nation maintains an army of many men that can dwarf many of the smaller nations. Professional Army: Your nation’s army is well trained and equipped with good weapons, performing better in battle. Militias: Local town and cities employ militias meaning that during times of war they are able to provide a small garrison of men in their defence. Scared of water: Your nation has never been one for their sea legs. Many naval loses and ship disasters have left your people unsupporting of any venture in which they need to leave the sight of land. Depleted Materials: After years of exploitation mines now run dry and woods no longer exist, your nation has to import its goods and anything that is made from your own raw materials is highly coveted and so expensive its not worth the cost. State Controlled: Your market is controlled by your ruler, every business is state owned and all works are employed by the state, you are less vulnerable to crashes in the market however with the lack of competition your country advances more slowly and the economy rises more slowly. Serfs: Whilst you live in luxury your peasantry works hard labouring all day for practically nothing. Whilst you have a large labour force that produces a lot the people are unhappy and unsupportive. Natural Great Men: Great minds and people seem to spring up from your populace every day. The chances of an inventor or great person appearing in your nation are increased. [/hider] Lascaux is the landlocked dark purple on the left continent. You can do just like what KabenSaal did with Konzia. You cannot make a brand new nation, but you can rework this one to how you would like it (you can even change traits like KabenSaal did, although no custom traits). Edit: @ Kangaroo: There seems to be something wrong with the link to the original thread. I don't know what is wrong with it, though. The raw text looks fine, but it keeps ending me to http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/22143/posts/www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8803/posts/ooc?page=1 instead of www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/8803/posts/ooc?page=1,