Cooped up in the small train car, Devin quickly became restless. Tired observing the passing scenery, he looked about for something else to busy himself with. Red and Eulalie were seated at a table, having a conversation. It did him no good to eavesdrop as they were speaking in French- he knew all of ten words of the language. Red set out some bread, cheese and fruit, to which he gleefully partook in some. It was fresh and good. "It's really good. Thank you, Fleur," Devin said in a lull in the conversation. He did not feel like intruding upon the girl's chat and moved instead to sit across Ellie. He beamed her a wide grin, pointing to the cheese and bread he was still munching on. "Do have some. Fleur brought them." "A witch hunt. I've met with a couple of witches in my hometown. An arrow was all it took to kill them. But underestimate them, and they would have you under a spell before you knew what hit you. Dangerous folk." "However, I need to know who to shoot at. Going in blind is going to be very risky." Devin crossed his arms, gaze wandered to the window again. He snapped his attention back to Ellie. "Do you have a plan?"